Chapter 4*

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Chapter 4

I walk up the main staircase to the third floor with Paul and Cam in tow. I want this little meeting to hurry up so I can get something to eat. If there is anything left with the way some of these males eat. It is silent as I stop in front of the large door to my father's office. I don't bother to knock since I can smell who was in the room. My father his Beta and Rory.

"How was the tour?" My father asks as soon as we walk in.

"Boring, can we hurry this up something I can eat?" I glower taking a seat in the middle of two empty chairs.

"Aspen!" My father shouts from the head of the table.

"No need for the tone father."

"Please take a seat Paul, Cam."

Paul sits to my left while Cam takes the right. Marlo sits in front of Paul while Rory in front of me. I glaze at Rory who seems to be in another place. I want to join him that place, to be anywhere but here right now.

Paul places his hand on my thigh in a comforting way. I really wish he hadn't. I'm never going to get used to having two mates. Cam has made no move to touch me which I am thankful for. It's hard to keep your desire in check with these two handsome males. I wish they weren't so close both scents are hitting me hard. I can barely think.

I lay my head on the table to feel the coolness of the wood. My father starts to speak but I block him out. I block out Rory who is trying to get in my head. I don't want to talk. I don't want to be here. I want to run, not away just to run. It's been way to long.

I let my father's voice in and listen. "It has to be the Alpha blood that drew you to my daughter."

"I've been running since the first night I felt her sir." Paul declares.

Paul is always so respectful. I smile at the table. I wish some of it would rub off on Cam.

"Same as I Alpha Diesel." Cam chimes in not to be out done of course.

"This particular situation has only been know to happen one other time and that was over 200 years ago." My father says excited. "Marlo have you ever heard of anything like this?"

Here we go.

"No Alpha I have not."

"So what does this mean? I have two mates? I keep them both?" I ask not moving my head from the table. No way am I going to reject them but they don't need to know what.

"I believe so Princess." Marlo answers me.

Again with the Princess thing.

I let out a loud sigh. This is going to be hell. Both my mates began rubbing small circles on my back. Cam touching me for the first time. Only increasing the sparks I start to feel. The sparks that are coming off of them shoots though every part of my body. This is not the time for physical contact. I hold back a small moan. What the hell?

Low growls come from the both of them. Not fighting growls but seductive? Why are the growling? I sat back in my chair to see I am rubbing both of their members under the table. Holy shit! This has to be the hormones because I never touched a guy before in that way, ever.

I pull away and shoot up out of my seat. I run out. What else am I supposed to do? Have sex with my mates in front of my father. It's so hard to control what I am feeling.

Is this how it's always going to be? I can't handle this. Can I? My wolf wants them and she wants them bad. She's been begging me to let them mark and mate me but 'm not ready for that. Am I?

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