Chapter 22*

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Chapter 22

It has been two weeks and things have been hot and heavy at the pack house. Between me and my mates, Levi and Bailey, Rory and Sophia I don't know who is having the most sex. Bailey and I had are heat at the same time. Sophia and Rory were first mating so that can also bring the heat on faster. My heat lasted a little bit longer than it normally did but I didn't complain it was a fun week.

Even with my newly round belly. I have never felt more comfortable and beautiful. Some pack members say I'm glowing. It's the twins; they make me so happy it shines through. I wonder what my father will say when he sees me. He hasn't seen me in a while and I wonder how he'll react to seeing his only daughter with his grandchildren inside me.

Today I have a checkup with Doctor Connery which also means today is the meeting with Nick. Both Cam and Paul want me to go away for the day but that is not happening. If he doesn't want to sign the treaty I want to be here when my mates kill him for his attempt on my life. That's one death I won't stand in the way of. 

"Aspen did you hear me?"

"No. I'm sorry Paul what did you ask me?"

"Where do you want  the cribs?" Paul repeats as he narrows his eyes. I can tell he is worried about me and all that is going to happen today.

I look around the nursery for the perfect spot. "On the back wall."

Paul watches me before moving the cribs where I asked. I watch him as he puts both of them together. He won't let me help. I haven't been doing much of anything lately. Just planning the arrival of our pups. I still don't know what I'm having but Cam and Paul know that one is Cam's and one is Paul's. They have assured me they will love them equally as they should because they are from me.

I just want the sex of the pups to be a surprise. I don't care if they are boys or girls. I just want healthy babies.

"Are you okay you seem a bit out of it today?" Paul asks and pulls me into a hug.

I instantly relax in his arms. One of my favorite places to be. Cam's arms being the other. "I'm just thinking."


"Everything and nothing. The future, our pups, the pack."

"No stress Aspen. It's not healthy. I don't want you to worry about anything but you and the pups. Leave everything else to me and Cam."

I hug Paul tighter and pull away. "Thanks."

"No problem Aspen." Paul kisses my forehead before pulling away completely to fix up the rest of the room.

I continue to watch Paul until Blue comes into the room. I pick him up and take him to Cam's room. Blue is afraid of Cam so I try and get Blue used to him. The only  time Blue stays in the same room as Cam is if I'm in it.

Cam doesn't make things any easier. He hasn't touched or acknowledged Blue since I got him. I thought it was because Oliver got Blue for me but I don't think that's why. Maybe he doesn't like dogs, who knows.

I sit in the middle of Cam's bed with Blue in my lap. Cam is in the shower so I'll just wait. Blue buries himself deeper in my lap once the bathroom door clicks. I giggle but quickly cover my mouth. Poor Blue. Cam isn't that bad.

"Kitten did you come for the show?"

"What show?" I ask.

Cam drops his towel. I'm in shock and in awe. His body is so perfect. "Cam." I whine.

A smug smile plays on his lips. "It's nothing you haven't seen before." Cam says as he moves closer to me and the bed.

"Well can you please get dressed we have an appointment this morning with doctor Connery." My voice shakes a bit as he watches my lips.

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