Chapter 19*

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Chapter 19 

Anna and I went over names for the babies for longer then I wanted. All the names she picked I hated. No way was I going to name my kid Frank or Oscar. I don't see my kids having simple names. I want their names to stick out. Nothing to crazy or hard to say just something unique.

Like my mate situation. Even though we are not the first set of mates to have three I think we are doing better then those Alpha's who couldn't make it work. I'm not saying we are perfect because we are clearly not. I just know Paul and Cam would never hurt me.

By default they can't fight each other or I'll feel it. Thank god for that or we would have ended up like those other Alpha's.

I think about all of this as I get ready for the ceremony today. I have more then enough time since it doesn't start until six. As Luna I need to set things up and greet pack members. Which I'm excited to do. So many new and old faces will be here. I just hope everyone gets along and for a smooth ceremony.

"Do you need help with that?" Paul asks referring to my plum lace dress. 

Everything else in my closet is either white or cream. When my father decided to shop for me I guess he forgot their are other colors in the world. At least he has good taste in dresses. I think it looks nice on me. It's not to short or revealing. 

I didn't even notice Paul. "Sure." I say and smile.

From my bathroom mirror I can see Paul is dressed in a nice button down shirt and a pair of dark jeans. His hair is in his signature quiff. Everything about him is neat as always. I can only imagine how Cam is dressed for our big day.

I let my hair down after Paul buttons me up. "Thank you." 

"My pleasure mate." Paul says before walking out of the bathroom and I follow him back to my bedroom. "Happy birthday Aspen."

"Thank you Paul." I'm twenty years old now. I don't feel twenty and I'm sure I don't look it. 

"I wanted to wait until later tonight to give you this but I can't wait." Paul says as he reaches into his pocket pulling out a jewelry box.

My eyebrows furrow together. The box is to big to be a ring so I don't know what it is. "Paul you didn't have to." I wave him off nervously.

Paul opens the black velvet box and my breath hitches at the sight. The biggest heart shaped diamond necklace I have ever seen. The ruby heart has diamonds all long it. It likes look the one from the movie Titanic. It most have cost a fortune.

I left my hair once again so Paul can put the necklace on me. My fingers trail along the diamonds it's the most beautiful thing I have ever touched. "Thank you Paul its beautiful."

"Only the best for my mate. How are you feeling?" Paul asks his hands moving to my stomach.

"Fine. Do you sense anything new?"

"No not yet." Paul says smiling. "I'll meet you downstairs when Cam is done giving you his gift." Paul says and kisses my forehead before leaving.

Another gift huh? I thought the bike was my birthday gift but I guess I was wrong.

Soon after Paul leaves Cam enters and makes a sexual remark towards the lace material of my dress and the male members of the pack. I ignore him because he is just being over protective Cam. Also I'm not changing.

Cam pulls out a black handkerchief and covers my eyes. I let him lead me to where ever it is that we are going. The walk is extremely short so I am confused as to why I had to wear the handkerchief. "Cam can I take this off now?"

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