Fucking Deal With It

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Both of us hadn't uttered a word since we orgasmed. I was starting to think I had fucked up, and rage was secretly clouding my vision. If after all of that he pulled the "scared card" I was 90% fucking sure I was going to kill him. All I had ever wanted from his was commitment and I was so tired of getting leftovers and seconds from everyone else. He had rathered sleep with Bert than have love with me, he had rathered marry and have a child with Lynz behind my back basically instead of telling me. "Say something please." He whispered his voice choked up in his throat worrying me further. Buttoning my last button to my shirt and snaking my hand through my disheveled head "I still love you." It fell out of mouth before I could catch myself making both of us suck in a bracing breath. My mind kept repeating his lyric from No shows "Its not loving, it's just fucking." Had he meant me? I had written an entire fucking album about him and how heartbroken I was and he had written one that referenced missing someone and then that. That lyric, that song; the concept had slowly killed me for months. "And I still love you, more than anything. I don't know how to explain it but I wake I up and while I have everything that's supposed to be the epitome of happiness I feel like I'm in an out of body experience only looking in. Only a spectator that's jealous of the happiness." His words made a part of me fly, and another fall apart. Standing and taking a seat next to him our hands intertwined. Our hands remembered their homes, found their place just as our lips leaned into.

"Frank.." Jamia's voice spoke pulling me out of my bubble of happiness and back to reality. Attempting to sputter out words I looked over at her and at the disheveled bed that gave us away immediately. Gerard's hand tried to wiggle away but my grip on it was tighter than my grip on sanity and I was desperate not to let go, as if he'd float away.
"I.. I'm sorry, J"

"Frank, stop. Please don't be sorry it makes it all worse. I knew this day was coming, I knew it the day we got married that you and Gerard would eventually find one another. I love you and I always will but your happiness is more a priority . Just remember the kids are my number one and it should be yours as well."

Her words comforted me in a harsh way. The kids were always my first priority no matter their mother and i's relationship. My voice was laced with anxiety and my hands shaking against Gerard's.

"J, I love the kids more than anything. This changes nothing." I whispered motioning toward gee.

"You're right it doesn't change anything, you've never loved me. And maybe in a way I never loved you because in a moment that I should be heartbroken I'm only relieved. I just don't want our kids to end up fatherless. I'll see you at home." She said her voice calm as she got up and left the room.

Both Gerard and I looked at one another unsure of how to respond. In less than 2 hours both of us had basically been given the go ahead by our wives. Our world of leather bound marriage papers and loneliness was being cut apart and it felt like we could finally breathe. Everything was falling into place, Gerard had made the biggest step in allowing lynz to know and now that Jamia knew it was like a door had opened and we were skipping down a long hallway of the rest of our lives. "I love you, Frank. I promise we will figure something out for the kids to minimize the shock." Gerard whispered pulling me into him trying to quiet the little misinterpreted tears that were falling down my face. I was just beyond any plausible emotion. Everything was hitting me at once, sadness for my children and a tsunami of happiness because my small body was wrapped in the arms of the only person that I had ever cared about fully and truly.

I could remember back when we would tour how when I would have a health complication how Gerard turned into a full on nurse minus the uniform. The idea of Gerard in a little nurse uniform did things to me, things that were distracting me from the emotion at the moment. But when we had been on your he would be so tentative and caring. Even something as small as the chronic stomachache that I had truly almost daily he never brushed it off it all meant something to him. It was all important, it was all something to be concerned and babied over. When his voice would go out id always do the same. Tea every hour on the hour, cough drops, and throat coat. A cocktail of flawless curing that managed to do the trick in usually less than 4 days. "Hey remember the time that Ray and Mikey decided that we needed a bed instead of the van and we didn't have enough money for each of us to have our own room and we opted to share?" Gerard asked making me chuckle slightly. That night has been one to definitely commit to mind. He had fallen asleep while writing a song and he started making little noises that at first I had thought were from a nightmare and when my name had slipped out I had slipped myself in. Pushing his chest back down on my bed winking I began to mirror what I had done which made Gerard gasp loudly. Tracing my hand along his hips and pelvic line while I used my other under his shirt to play with his nipples which drive him crazy. "Fuck..ck" he moaned out loudly as I made my way closer and closer to his cock. Pinching his nipple just enough to just a satisfied wince to escape his lips I leaned up him a me laid my lips on his letting his try and battle dominance before taking the ultimate control when making contact with the head of his cock. Parting our lips I connected with his neck leaving a large mark, marking him as mine. Because now more than fucking ever he was mine. After 14 mother fucking years there was nothing in the way and he was mine and nothing was going to change it. There was going to be some death do us part unspoken shit being established here if I could help it. Yanking his pants down his legs and taking him in my mouth with hesitation. I lacked the fundamental factor of a gag reflex that came in quite handy for deep throating this hot mother fucker that to be quite honest was pretty well endowed. "Frank, fuck" he moaned ever louder bucking his hips at my cheeks. Something that if I had been in a full dominate scene would have gotten his cock withdrawn and his ass beat. However I ignored it obliging him with speeding up my bobbing. Reaching my hands to toy with his balls I heard his already gasping breath hitch up in his throat like a hiccup. Using his state of ecstasy to my advantage I slipped a finger into his ass teasing his prostate. Which made him jump and his breath escape. Smirking to myself against his cock allowing my tongue to slide over his shaft. Without warning his cum hit the back of my throat making me moan to myself. Swallowing like the fucking champ I am I licked his head clean and leaned up to his lips kissing him feeling his heaving chest beneath my own. "Well.. that was one way of answering me." He said still trying to come down from the high if his orgasm. Making my own cock twitch, I had to keep my cool but it was really hard when he literally looked like a sex god and giving head always gave me a raging boner. His hand cradled my cheek pulling me closer as we both smiled. "We need to change my brother sheets." He finally said laughing hard. Peeking around the room that I hadn't really noticed until now. A twinge of guilt settled into my stomach before remembering the fact that Mikey Way had had a bad habit of not trashing his used condoms or cum tissue back in the tour days. He could fucking deal with it.

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