The Reminder of A Certain Little Girl.

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His words clung to me like flies on a rotting corpse, filling my lungs eating me away. I tried to suppress everything in me that wanted me to cover this suit in his blood making the filming of the Joyriding music video seem like a waste of $50 in fake syrupy halloween blood. I wanted to feel the crack of his bones under my fist, the pain that he had caused my heart to be felt all over his body. To communicate to him just how little shit I was in the mood to take today. I wanted so badly to take out everything that had happened today, and for years with Gerard everytime we got close to making it. He jumped to his feet pulling a cigarette pack out of his shirt pocket as he leaned against the courthouse's sign lighting it up. Distorting my mind's grip on now and 2004 as it flickered to him waltzing out of the bus after fucking Gerard right under my nose to light a cigarette. Rage filled me again as I stepped toward him as he flicked the ashes onto the grass reminding me that I hadn't had a cigarette one today.

"You know Iero, I don't really know what's so special about you. Why when I offered him a life, a forever he chose to go crawling back to you. Crawl back to a life of being a mistress for twelve years before you decided to make an honest man out of him." He paused putting the cigarette back to his lips holding his hand out to hush me as I started to defend myself. "He was never my dirty little secret, he was my everything. My fucking queen, my life you know that?" he asked pointing at me reminding me of the side of Gerard we had both chosen to ignore for a very long time. A side of him that the drugs brought to light, but no doubt still lingered under his skin even after all his years. "All those nights that he'd come in laced up in leather leaving the taste of himself on my lips that I lapped happily. Tell me Frank did you ever taste me on his lips? All those nights you made him your slut, a hidden little girl from Jamia. My little girl stroking your ego that was too afraid to admit you liked it up the ass, isn't that right sweetheart?" he taunted me flicking his cigarette making me want to jam the burning thing into every inch of his skin. Before I could rationalize myself I walked to him and punched him hard in the stomach, the cherry of his cancer stick grazing the edge of my skin as it dropped just to the right of where he laid when I jumped away hypothetically licking my wounds. Both physical, and the ones to my heart and ego.

"Listen to me you little fucking sewer rat." I spat standing over him again "I fucking love him, I love him more than you could ever fucking know. He is my fucking everything, and after everything you don't get to walk in here and try to ruin our happy ending. Fucking you, Lindsay I don't know why everybody wants to fucking ruin today." I growled kicking dirt toward him with my black dress shoes that had a small red "G" etched on the back. "You don't get to walk in here after you endangered his sobriety, after you made him a puppet to your drug games." I whispered harshly trying so hard not to make anymore of a scene fearing that a cop would walk up at anytime carting me away for assault.

"Frank, fuck, stop. He's not worth it." Gerard yelled from the courthouse door bounding down the steps to where I was my hand wrapped in the collar of his shirt his head hovering easily a foot off the grass as he just continued to laugh in my face. I searched and searched for a trace of intoxication, and came up with absolutely nothing. "Bert, this is bullshit. You know this is bullshit. I chose Frank, it's always been Frank. Nothing you ever offered me was enough to keep my eyes away from him. I fucking love him, I loved you and your drugs. It's not the same type of fucking love." He spat down at Bert before unclasping my fist from his shirt and pulling me away to take a seat on the courthouse steps. "Listen to me, you're going to leave. Go home, you're never going to contact me again, and you will never contact Lindsay." he sneered at Bert the look on Bert's face changing instantly with the tone if Gerard's face. "The little game that you two decided to play today didn't work. You didn't fucking win your cruel game, so go fucking home and do me a favor on the way. Fuck off!" He finally broke his stern words into a quiet yell as Bert struggled to get to his feet before started to walk away. I walked to Gerard wanting so badly to take him in my arms and just kiss him to make a point, but knowing so much better. Gerard hated vindictive shit like that, and with his temper already out I wasn't going to fuck with it further.

"Hey Gee, i'm happy you finally came to peace with yourself. I'm real proud of you for coming out, sweetheart." Bert smiled before turning his glance to me as he walked backwards to what could only be his car. "And hey, Frank." he called out raising both of his middle fingers to wave at my face as Gerard grabbed me and pulled me into him kissing me roughly. When we finally parted Bert and his car was gone and both of our cheeks were blushed.

"Umm, so you wouldn't happen to still want to marry me would you? Even with all the drama I come with?" he asked leaning his forehead against me.

"I'd be fucking crazy if I didn't." I said kissing him again wrapping my hands in the collar of his suit jacket making him stumble into me. The sound of a throat clearing pulling us both away from one another to be faced with the kids and our witnesses standing on the step. Mikey smiled seeing that everything was okay, and Kristen looked positively frazzled by all of the drama that had transpired in her presence in just one day. "Alright guys, now it's time." I announced wrapping my hand in Gee's before walking up the steps.

"Well unfortunately they're closing up shop early today. Told me to tell you they'll be open 10am-4pm tomorrow if you guys would like to come back without any outbursts." Mikey chuckled looking over both Gerard and I's face fall like children who were promised a trip to the water park only to be met with rain the next morning. "Well it'll be okay guys, tomorrow at 9:30 we will be standing outside these doors okay?" Mikey reassured us both tossing me the keys to the Jeep and announcing he was hungry. Gee's expression met mine in a sour way of disappointment as I nodded in agreement leaning to kiss him.

"I love you." we both said as I took his hand squeezing it a little too hard afraid he would fly away from me or something. His grip matched mine quickly though before turning to me.

"I will marry you Frank Iero, even if I have to marry your god damn corpse." he said making me laugh which made his expression lighten dramatically.

"You guys are worse than when it was Mommy and Daddy. Uck!" Miles exclaimed playfully calling shotgun in Mikey's rental car as I trotted to scoop him up showering his small face in kisses and leading him back to my Jeep with his car seat and buckling him in.

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