Chapter 4

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Alexas POV

I ran into the house and opened the door. I shut the door and leaned against it, completely lovestruck. I was daydreaming about Justin and all the amazing things that had just happened to me. My mom came in and caught me staring into space, my back against the door. "Um Alexa, what are you doing?", she said chuckling, bringing the basket of clean laundry up to her room. I removed my back from the door and said "Mom, you are NOT gonna believe what just happened. JUSTIN FREAKING BIEBER was at the mall and he took me and Gabby to Starbucks and I CANT EVEN-" My mom interrupted me by putting her hand against my head making sure I didn't have a fever or anything. "Are you feeling okay?" "MOM I SWEAR ALL MY LIFE..ILL PROVE IT TO YOU." "Okay...what ever you say.", she said rolling her eyes and looking at me as if I had 10 heads. "UGHH!", I groaned making my way towards my bedroom.

I sat down on my bed and looked around at all my posters and it hit me. That boy on all the posters was the boy who just took me out...It honestly didn't even feel realistic. I wonder if he felt the way I felt about him. It killed me not knowing. I grabbed my phone and checked all my notifications. I gained a ton of followers and I got really sweet paragraphs from beliebers! But then came... the hate. And boy did I get a lot of that. I knew none of the things they said were even true but some of those words hurt. As tears began to grow in my eyes, I put my head down on my pillow realizing that if me and Justin actually became a thing, this hate would only get worse...and that honestly shattered my heart into a million pieces. All though the hate was painful, there was one text that made me forget about all the hate. It brightened my world. And this is what the text was...

Justin: I really had a great time today. u are really awesome. I NEED TO SEE U AGAIN ASAP! when can we hang again? xo

That text almost made me feel as if all the hate simply disappeared. It's amazing how happy one boy can instantly make me by just texting me. Grabbing my phone with a giddy smile, I began to respond.

Alexa: I'm free tonight if that works for u. I'd love to hang out with u again, too. We can just chill at my place if that's cool with u.

Instantly I received a reply:

Justin: yeah tonight's great! can I come by at like 6?

I loved how normal Justin was. I almost forgot he was a celebrity at times.

Alexa: sounds good...cant wait to see you again!

All day I basically sat around waiting for Justin to come over. I was really excited to see him again.

At 6, I saw Justin pull up in the driveway in his red sports car. I was home alone because my parents went to a wedding that night so I decided that this was the perfect time to hang out alone with Justin. I came outside and looked at Justin as he came out of the car. "Nice ride!", I said. "Thanks!", he said. OH GOD THATS ALL I COULD SAY... I'm such a freak.

We walked inside my house and Justin said, "Wow, nice house!" "Thanks!", I smiled.  "So..." "IM STARVING! Wanna order pizza or something?", he said. "Okay! We ordered the pizza and then I brought him to my room. "WOW...who is this guy all over your room?", he said sarcastically. "I don't know...but he's cute, huh?", I said laughing. We sat down on my bed and we started taking selfies. "AHH DELETE THAT! I LOOK HORRIBLE!.", I said throwing my head back laughing. "You never look could you say that? You're stunning..." "AW. You are seriously one of the sweetest guys I've ever met.", I said biting my lip. He blushed, licking his lips. "Just saying the truth."

I swear...God really gave me a gift. I was the luckiest girl in the world.

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