Chapter 18

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Alexa's POV

Our bodies swayed back and forth to the beat of the song. He took my hand, pulled me out, spun me around and reeled me back in, placing a big, wet kiss on my forehead. I felt like a princess. I let out a very obnoxious cackle and he snorted. He gave me the tightest hug. He pulled me in close...I felt like I was only his and no one else's. He lifted my feet off the ground and spun me around several times. He finally set me down and then suggested we should go in the pool.

"Baby, I don't have a bathing suit. Besides, I have my makeup and hair all done and everything. I'm sorry.", I said. "Don't be sorry. You are going in.", he said furrowing his eyebrows. "No, I'm not.", I argued, folding my arms, shaking my head. "YESSS YOU AREE!", he whined. "No, Justin." "Ahh okay...", he said, pouting. "You are actually letting me get away with this one?" "HAHAHAH NO!", he said followed by a huge outburst of laughter. "You know me too well.", he then said. "Haha. I'm not going in, though." "Oh, you are!" "NOOO!", I said, interrupted by the feel of his soft lips brushing against mine. "You are going in whether you like it or not, baby.", he said raising his hands over his head backing away. "I'm not." "YESS YOU AREEE!", he shouted while picking me up and placing me over his broad shoulder. "NOO!", I screamed as he began to spin me around continuously. He then said "You need to learn how to let loose! I'll show you!" He jumped into the pool, me over his shoulder.

Into the water we went. He kissed me underwater softly. I poked my head out of the water several moments later, gasping for air. I brushed my hair back and we both began to crack up. When I was with him, I didn't care how I looked.  I didn't care if I was acting like a freak. I could just be me. Justin is the only person I would jump in the pool with my clothes on with and not give a crap about how drenched I was. He was so spontaneous and fun. He made me a better me.

Justin's POV

I put her onto my back and I gave her a ride throughout the entire pool. We splashed around for about an hour and a half, not caring that are clothes were most likely sopping with water. She was the only person I could actually be myself around. I could do me. I could show her a side of Justin that most people have never seen before. Alexa was real...and when I was with her, I could be real, too.

We got out of the pool and dried ourselves off with our towels. "Damn, I'm soaked!", she said, wringing out the bottom of her damp skirt. "Same.." "I'm freezing!", she exclaimed. I came up from behind her and I wrapped my dry jacket that I was wearing earlier, around her. "Aren't you gonna be cold?", she said turning her head my way. "Eh nah. Don't worry about me.", I said winking. We walked into the house shivering, my jacket wrapped around the both of us. We finally got into dry clothes and then sat down in the kitchen. All of a sudden, a spark of energy came to Alexa's eyes and she squealed, "OOH LET'S BAKE CUPCAKES!" "Haha okay...I honestly have no idea how to make them.", I said laughing. "Well I'll teach you, Bieber.", she smirked. She turned aggressively toward the sink, her hair flying through the air like a TV commercial.

As she started telling me the directions step by step, I tuned her out and just stared hard at all her beautiful features. I loved her long hair and how that one strand fell in her face every couple of minutes. I loved her beauty marks. I loved a lot. As I continued to admire her every beautiful quality, not hearing a word that came out of her mouth, she began to ramble on about cupcakes and shit...I honestly have no clue. "Then you take the spoon and you continue to-", she said. "Uh-huh.", I said, not taking my eyes off her. "Justin? Are you even listening?", she said with a chuckle. "Nah. You're too beautiful. It's distracting.", I replied. "AWW.", she cooed. "Well, pay attention next time, babe. Your turn", she said playfully shoving me, handing me the big wooden spoon. I started stirring, having absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing. I laughed and she turned to me, "Ohh give me that!", she said grabbing the spoon from my hand, rolling her eyes jokingly. I loved her sassy side. I wanted her so badly...

Once the cupcakes were in the oven, it began to down pour outside. "Wow! It's raining really hard!", Alexa said sitting on the couch, playing around on her phone. "Yeah..", I said looking out the window that showed nothing but dark,gloomy clouds and pouring rain. An idea popped into my mind instantly. I walked up to her, grabbing her phone right out of her phone. "Hey! I was using that!", she said as I placed her phone on the counter. I took her by her hand and pulled her right outside, straight into the rain. We made our way to the sidewalk, the rain continuing to pour over us. "Justin! It's pouring outside! What are you doing?", I remained silent, moving closer to her. "Justin! I'm FREEZING!", she said. I handed her my oversized jacket, not a word leaving my mouth.  "What is going on? I-", I stopped her by placing on finger over her lips. She stopped talking. "Shh..." I grabbed her waist and slowly pulled her body in even closer to mine.Our lips met as one, the rain coming down harder and harder by the second.

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