Chapter 24

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Alexa's POV

It was now September and I was extremely busy. I barely even had enough time to sit down, seeing Justin was almost impossible. I was starting school in a couple of days. My stomach churned...not only because I was nervous but because I thought about how hard it would be not being able to feel the warmth of Justin's hugs. Not being able to hear the sound of his raspy voice saying "Good Morning" and "I love you" every day. Not being able to feel his soft fingertips trace the outline of my face.  Not being able to have his strong, masculine cologne suffuse my bedroom. Not being able to see his beautiful face for months. 

I was cleaning out my room and I found pictures of me and Justin in the photobooth from when we went to a carnvial. I stared hard at these photos, having a difficult time not smiling. You could see the joy in our faces. You could see just how happy we made eachother and how comfortable we were around eachother. I could not help but blush as I stuck the strip of photos into one of my textbooks. As I scoped out my room, I found more and more things that Justin gave me and a lot of pictures we had taken together. As I looked around my room, tears began to fill my eyes. There was no way I was gonna be able to do this. I could hardly make it through a day without seeing him, how was I gonna make it through months?

As my head continued to pound, I heard my doorbell ring. I quickly brushed away my tears, not wanting anyone to see I had been upset. My mom knocked on my door lightly. "Alexa?"  "Yes, come in.", I said. "Justin is here to see you.", she said with a smile. "Okay." I ran into the foyer and smiled instantly when I saw him standing there. His arms were spread out wide open. I ran into his arms and gave him the biggest squeeze. "Ugh, Justin.", I said leaning my head on his shoulder.  "Hahah hey girl.", he said planting a kiss on my forehead. "I missed you.", I said smiling into his shoulder. "Me too.", he said turning my head towards him. I giggled as he kissed me softly. "Somebody missed her boyfrienddd!", my mom snickered, cocking an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at her.

I took Justin's hand and pulled him into my room. "OH MY GOD! I'VE MISSED YOU LIKE CRAZY. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!", I said, plopping down on my bed. "ME TOO! I'VE BEEN DYING TO SEE YOU!", he chuckled. He patted his thigh and said, "Come here." I sat myself down on his lap as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I skimmed through my phone as he twirled the ends of my hair with his fingers. We started taking selfies (pretty typical) and hysterically laughed at the hilarious faces we made. He plopped his snapback on my head and starting laughing. "What?", I said. "You're such a cutie.", he said squeezing my cheeks together.

We lay down in my bed and I rested my head on his chest. Our day consisted of stuffing our faces with junk food, watching Friends marathons and cuddling. "Justin.", I said. "Mmm?", he said. "I'm really gonna miss you."  "I'm really gonna miss you, too. It's gonna be hard not seeing you, but don't worry, we are gonna find a way to make it work, alright?"  "You sure?"  "I'm positive."  "Well, when do  you leave?" "Um...tomorrow."  "TOMORROW?!", I said, popping up. "Yes..."  "Justin! How could you not tell me you were leaving TOMORROW?!"  "Baby, I was gonna tell you but I knew you'd do this! I didn't want to upset you and ruin our time together. I just...I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. It seemed too painful."  "Don't "baby" me, baby. You made it worse by telling me now. Thanks for the notice...", I said, my eyes becoming glassy. "Alexa, I'm sorry. I dont know if you realize...this is hard for me, too. I couldn't tell you." "So you were just not gonna tell me at all? You were just gonna pick up your stuff tomorrow and go? Do you not understand how wrong that is?"  "I'm sorry.", he said trying to hold back his tears. He squeezed my hand and repeated himself. "I'm sorry."

"Justin, how are we gonna do this?"  "I DON'T KNOW OKAY? I HAVE NO IDEA. BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER. WE WILL MAKE IT WORK. WE JUST HAVE TO.", he shouted. "Justin.." "No! I'm not gonna let you get away from me. If miles away is the only way I can have you, then miles away it will be."  "I'm worried. What if you go out there and find someone better than me?"  "It doesn't get better than you.", he smiled. "I love you.", I said hovering over him to give him a huge hug. I sat there and just cried into his shirt. 


The sun greeted me through the curtains. I slowly opened my puffy eyes and turned to see Justin laying there next to me. It was morning. Today was the day the love of my life was gonna leave me...I was going to miss him so much. He rubbed his eyes and started stretching, groaning a little. "Ahh, morning, gorgeous.", he said pecking my cheek. "Morning.", I said, kinda bummed. "Please don't be like that. We still have the whole morning together!", he said trying to cheer me up. "Yeah."  "Why don't we get up and make pancakes or something?"  "Sounds like a deal." 

We both went into the bathroom and started brushing our teeth. He chuckled as I pressed the button on my singing toothbrush, which sang "Boyfriend." I started dancing, purposely trying to make him uncomfortable. He bugged his eyes out, looking at me like I was a physco path. He took some gel and ran his fingers through his hair. I gave him a toothy smile. He was so handsome.

We tip-toed into the kitchen, like little kids. It was like 6 in the morning and we didn't wanna wake my parents. We started making pancakes. He started sprinkling flour on top of my head. "OH MY GOD! I HATEEE YOUU!", I said, loudly."  "SHH!", he said placing his finger against my lips. "You love me." he whispered, pulling me in close. "Oh, in your dreams."  He pressed his lips against mine forcefully. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I turned the stove on and then he hugged me from behind. "Wanna know a secret?", he said. "Okay."  "I am not even hungry." "Me neither!", I cackled.

I was gonna miss mornings like this. The ones that just made my whole day a magical one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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