Chapter 22

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Alexa's POV

"Alright, we better go.", Fredo said. "Okay.", Justin said reaching for my hand. I gladly took my hand into his as we walked outside. The smell of the barbeque and the fresh cut grass filled the air, The warm summer breeze blew through my long hair. We walked into the car, the security guard behind the  three of us. We hopped into the van and began to drive off. 

I had never been to a club before...I had no idea what to expect. I was pretty excited to just let lose and just have fun, but I had no idea what I was really in for.  Eventaully, we got there. As we parked, I took out my compact mirror to see how I looked. "Oh, stop it! You look BEAUTIFUL!", Justin said, slamming it shut. I snickered and rolled my eyes playfully as he opened the door for me. "Thank you!", I blushed, as he wrapped his strong arm around my shoulder. "Well this isn't awkward for me at all.", Fredo said with a giggle. 

We got out of the car and began to walk into the back entrance of the club. Already, crowds and crowds of people began to appear. "JUSTIN! ALEXA! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING TONIGHT? WHY SO SAD ALEXA? SMILE FOR ME BABY. LOOK THIS WAY!", the sleazy paparazzi spat. I didn't know which direction to look in.

The camera flashes made it look like a dream, when really it was almost like living a nightmare. It certainly wasn't easy having thousands of people calling your name at one time. It certainly wasn't easy having to worry about what you looked like everywhere you went or having people judge every move you make, every breath you take. It certainly wasn't easy dating one of the biggest superstars in the world. But no one said it would be easy, I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I realized there was going to be sacrifices I'd have to make. I knew that my life was changed forever, but I didn't care. I was willing to give that all up for him.

We made our way through the pushy groups of people and got inside. I looked around the room. It was dark. It was loud. What had I gotten myself into? I had a blank expression on my face as I put my coat down.  Justin leaned over to me and whispered, "You alright, babe?"  "Yeah...I'm fine."  "Eh, she'll losen up. She's just never been to a club before.", Fredo added.

"Come on, let's go dance!", Justin said, grabbing my hand, pulling me towards the dance floor. Slowly I grew less and less tense. I started dancing as he stood there bopping his head to the beat, slowly biting his lip. "You're not bad. But lemme show you something.", he said handing me his phone. He started dancing, desperate to impress me.  I nodded and  sarcastically said, "Eh, you could use work." He giggled as he pulled me in. This was really not as bad as I thought.

Just as I started to feel like a normal teenager again, someone just had to pull out their phone and take pictures of me and Justin. "Can you please put that away?", Justin said with anger. I didn't understand why everyone couldn't just respect us. We were normal people too, why couldn't they treat us like it? I got off the dance floor and went to get something to drink. "Aye, where you going?", Justin said jumping in front of me. "To get some water..", I said. "I gotcha.", he said handing me some money. "No, it's fine.", I said, refusing to take it. "Okay..."

I got my water and sat down on a couch and just skimmed through my phone. Justin plopped down right next to me. "What's up with you?", he said turning my head, forcing me to make eye contact with him. "Nothing."  "Something is up...what is it?"  "It's nothing...", I sighed. "Alexa, I'm serious. If something's wrong, you gotta tell me."  "I don't know. I'm not cut out for this, I guess.. I'm tired. I have a huge headache. I can barely even see anyone or anything. God only knows where Alfredo is. I just...I just wanna go home. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I should've just said no in the first place. Feel free to stay here-"  "It's alright.", he interuppted. "Really?"  "Yes. I get it. Let me just go to the bathroom and then we'll go. Okay, baby?", he said. "Okay.", I said with a smile. He was  so affectionate and understanding.

I sat down on a seat at the bar and patiently waited for Justin to return from the restroom. "Alexa?", I heard someone shout. I knew that voice...It was him.


It was my ex-boyfriend, Brandon. Brandon was my first love. My heart started beating rapidly as I turned around to see him standing there, with a wide grin on his face. I haven't seen him in forever. "Hi...", I replied with an awkward smirk. "How's it going?", he asked leaning in for a hug. I hugged him quickly and said, "Good, you?"  "Everything's going, yo-you look great."  "You too."  "I mean it. You really look great . You haven't changed a bit.", he said, instensely staring at me, making me a bit uncomfortable. "Aw, thank you.", I said with a small smile. "So, I'd kiss you but you probably have a boyfriend."  "Yeah, actually I-"  Before I could even finish my sentence, he kissed me. "BRANDON!", I screamed, pushing him away. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?", a raspy voice said with rage. I turned around to see Justin clenching his fists.


"Justin! I swear. It's not what it looks like-"  "IT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! It looks like some stranger is making out with my girl. Do you know this guy?!",  he screamed, tears filling his brown eyes. "I do. He's my ex-boyfriend. But Justin, I swear. Nothing is going on. I just saw him here, we were talking and he just kissed me out of the blue!"  "I'll talk with you later. Go stand over there.", he said. I stood in the corner and watched him scream at my ex. Tears kept trickling down my blotchy cheeks.  "Who exactly do you think you are?", Justin spat. "I believe I'm Alexa's first love, And I'm still in love with her...and she's mine." "Well she's mine now. And you need to get it through your little head, that it's over between you two, buddy. You are too late."

They went back and forth to the point where the body guards had to separate them. "Alexa! How dare you? I thought I trusted you. I did everything I could for you. You are just gonna throw it all away for your ex?  Did all of that mean anything to you? You are just gonna leave everything we have behind? Or should I say had.."  "Justin! You can trust me. I'm not lying to you. I'd never lie to you! I love you! And what do you mean "had?"  "I mean we need some time to just think." "You are right. We just need a couple minutes to cool off and just think about-"  "No, Alexa. I mean, I think we need to take a break."  "You are kidding!", I screamed, tears bursting from my eyes. "I'm not. I love you...but I can't be in a relationship with someone I don't know if I can trust."  '"You know what?!?!? You're so right. You are Justin Bieber. I'm not irreplaceable. You can get someone light years better than me in an instant! Just forget I even existed!", I cried, everyone staring at me. I stormed out of the place and sat down on the curb, placing my hands over my glassy eyes. Where was I going to go? How was I going to get home? Fredo came outside and sat down next to me. "You okay?", he said patting my back. "No. I just lost the love of my life. What if I blew it? I knew coming here was a bad idea." I said, as Fredo placed his jacket around my shoulders. "He loves you too much just to let you go. Don't worry.", he said making his way back inside.

Justin followed me outside. "Just go already. Just forget about me.", he said, shaking his head. "Stop, Justin! I love you." "Whatever.", he rolled his eyes.

I had enough of this bickering. I put my arms around his neck but he kept trying to take them off. "Please!", I shouted. "No-I'm sorry I can't." I brought his body in closer to mine. I pressed my forehead against his.  "Please.", I whispered, wrapping my legs around his waist. He struggled to back off. "Baby...I'm sorry for screaming at you. I love you, too.", he said before forcefully pressing me against the wall and kissing me.

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