Chapter 21

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Justin's POV

I held Alexa's hand tightly as we made our way into the kitchen. I glanced at everyone in the room. It was all the people I loved. I was so happy to see them all here and I couldn't wait for them to meet Alexa.  My mom seemed to bond with her very well and I think they clicked. I knew that the rest of them would love her too...almost as much as I do. I just knew it.  I could feel it.

"Hey hey, what up, man?", Alfredo said loudly, patting me on the back. "What's good?", I said. Alexa stood there awkwardly. "So who's this beauty?", he said, making me cringe a bit. "MY girlfriend.", I said clearly. "Woah woah, chill bro. I was just asking. And you are?", he said reaching his hand out for Alexa to shake. "Oh, I'm Alexa. I'm Justin's-"  "GIRLFRIEND.", I interupted, trying to make Fredo aware of the fact she was taken. "DAMN I GET IT!", he said shoving me lightly with a snicker.  "Um, Justin, can i have a word with you privately?", Alexa said squeezing my hand really tight. "Yeah."  "I'm sorry. Excuse us for a moment.", she said smiling.

She pulled me into the dark hallway and whispered, "What exactly do you think you're doing?" "What?"  I dont know why but I found it really attractive when she was pissed off. "You know exactly what you are doing. I get it, Justin. But you are embarrasing me! Fredo wasn't trying to hit on me...just calm down. Loosen up, he's just trying to bond with me. But do you not trust me or something? Justin, you know-"  "Of course I trust you.", I said placing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "It's just...I picture you with other guys and I don't know I just get a little.-", I hesitated. "A little what?"  "Jealous", I mumbled under my breath. "What's that?"  "Jealous."  "Whaa? I can't hear you.", she said. She was such a tease.  "JEALOUS. There, you happy?", I said loudly and clearly. She fake gasped. "You, Justin Bieber, is jealous?!"  "Maybe.."  "I thought you NEVER get jealous.", she said. "Well, that was before I met you.", I responded. She giggled. "What?", I said. "You are such a dork.", she said pecking my lips softly. We then walked back into the kitchen.

"I apologize for that.", Alexa said politely. "Oh, it's no problem!", my mom said sweetly. I leaned against the counter and started checking my phone. "So, are you gonna introduce us to your little friend?", Scooter said, intentionally trying to embarrass me. I rolled my eyes playfully and said "This is Alexa."  "It's a pleasure to meet you.", Alexa said shaking hands with Scooter. "Pleasure to meet you, too."  

"So are you just friends or...", my dad said. "Ehh...I think we are more than that.", I said staring at her with bliss. Her cheeks flushed a bright red. "AWWW SHE'S BLUSHING!", my grandma cooed, pointing to Alexa who was shyly shrugging her shoulders. "She's hotter than you described.", Jaxon said, his eyes beginning to widen. "Jaxon!", Erin whined, smacking his hand. "Well it's true.", he said.

Alexa moved over to the table and stood right in front of Jazmyn. She squatted down so that they were at eye level. "And you must be Jazzy.", Alexa said with a smile. "Yep.", she nodded. I left the room to go use the bathroom. When I left the bathroom, I just stood against the hallway wall and eavesdropped on Alexa and my sister. "Your brother has told me so many great things about you.", Alexa whispered. "Really?"  "Mhm."  "He's told me a lot of great things about YOU!", Jazzy said. "Did he really?", Alexa said giggling. I couldn't help but smile. Seeing Alexa bond with my friends and family so naturally warmed my heart. It brought the biggest smile to my face.

The night carried on and it was suprisingly really fun. There was not one moment of silence. We blasted the music to the point where the counters were literally shaking. We just went completely crazy and had a great time. Alexa "flirted" with Jaxon which made him really happy which was actually hysterical. My mom told everyone all my baby stories which was REALLY embarrasing but it seemed to amuse Alexa. We all sat outside and had a bon fire. The night was just amazing and it couldn't have been more perfect than it was.

Eventually the night had to come to an end, so we said goodbye to everyone, got our stuff together and made our way to the door. Alfredo followed after us and said, "Hey. I'm going to this really dope club after this and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come." "Um..", I was kind of tongue-tied. I liked going to clubs but I don't really know if Alexa did. I didn't want to pressure her into going anywhere she didn't wanna go. I had a feeling she was going to say no but I was okay with that. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in any way. I looked at her not knowing what to say. "Um, excuse us.", I said taking Alexa into the dining room, where nobody else was. 

"I wanna go.", she said. "Are you sure? You-", I bickered.  "I wanna go."  "Don't feel like you have to go. If you don't wanna, we don't-" "Justin, I wanna go.", she said giggling. "You sure?" "For the love of God, YES!"  "Okay, baby. Then we'll go. Wherever you wanna go, we'll go.", I said pressing my lips against her forehead.

"We'll go."

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