Chapter 23

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Justin's POV

"So, I guess this means we are off our break?", Alexa said with a grin. "Who were we kidding? We were never on a break. " She giggled as I put her back down on the ground and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Alexa, you need to hear me out. We aren't perfect, you have to understand that. We are gonna fight. There are gonna be times where we are gonna piss each other off. But that's what you do when you love someone.", I said. She nodded and said, "I know, I know. Justin, I can't believe you actually thought I was attracted to Brandon. He means nothing to me anymore. You know I love you. You know you can trust me."  "Of course. It's don't understand how painful it was to see you there kissing some other guy that wasn't me. But I believe you. I know you would never intentionally hurt me. All this anger and rage just built up inside of me that I could hardly even control myself."  "You are incredible, you know that?", she said lightly pecking my cheek.

"Now, little lady...we gotta get you home.", I said stroking her hand. "OH MY GOD! What time is it?!", Alexa said, beginning to panic. "Baby, calm down. It's about 1." "JUSTIN, I gotta get home! My parents are probably getting concerned."  "Alright, let's go."

All three of us hopped into the van and drove off. Alexa was getting antsy and nervous so I started to soothe her by rubbing her shoudlers. She rested her head in the crook of my neck and eventually fell into a deep sleep. I watched her sleep the entire car ride home. I admired every dainty, beautiful feature of hers as her stomach continued to rise and drop with every breath she took. I just stared hard at her. I never knew I could love some girl this much.  It seemed crazy to me that I fell so deeply in love with a girl who was once just another belieber sitting in her room, tweeting me, desperate for my attention. Not only was she my fan...I was now hers. She unlocked my heart instantly. There's just some special glow in her. I don't even really know what it is. She was just so different.

Alfredo stared at me as I continued to intensely stare at my girl as she slept. "Wow, you really love her don't you?", Alfredo said. "More than you know, Fredo." "What do you think'll happen when you guys have to be apart, you know, when you go off on tour and she starts school?"  "I honestly have no idea. I haven't even thought about it, and I don't want to think about it. I just want to think about now, because now is all that matters to me. All I know is, we are going to have to find a way to make it work. This isn't just going to be another summer love.  I'm not gonna let her run away from me...not again."  "Isn't that gonna be hard, bro? You know how long distance relationships are."  "I know it's going to be hard. But I'm not gonna lose her, no matter how many miles lay between us." "You are losing your mind. WHAT IS THIS GIRL DOING TO YOU?!", Alfredo said smacking me on the head lightly. "I dont know, man. She's really left her mark on me..."

Eventually we got to Alexa's house. She still was heavily sleeping. "Are you gonna wake her up?", Alfredo asked. "Nah, I'll just bring her in."  I picked her up bridal style and carried her all the way up to the doorstep. Her father cracked open the door and said, "Come in."  "Sir, I apologize. This is all my fault, blame it all on me. We completely lost track of time.", I said. "It's alright, kid. Just don't let it happen again, okay? Don't sweat it, I understand. I was young once too, you know. "  "Thank you so much, sir. I will not let it happen again. Want me to take her up to her room?" "No, it's okay. I got it."  "You sure? You are probably exhausted." "You sure you don't mind?"  "Not at all."  "That'd be great. Thanks." "Hey, sir?" "Mhm?"  "I just wanna let you know that I really love your daughter. I will never hurt her any way. She means everything to me. She truly is amazing and I adore her completely."  "That means a lot to me. You have my blessing. Thanks again. Have a good night." "You too."

I slowly cracked open her bedroom door and placed her down on her bed. I wrapped her up in several blankets and propped her head up on a pillow. I placed a light kiss on her lips as her eyelids fluttered. I hummed the tune of "All That Matters."  "I love you. I thank God for you each and every night. I'll never leave you. I'm forever yours...", I said squeezing her hand tightly. "I stood up and shut the lights. Before closing the door, I whispered, "Goodnight, baby."


The summer days passed by so quickly, I prayed that the clock would slow down. Every day me and Alexa would do something together. Whether it was going to the beach or watching movies for hours on rainy days or simply just cuddling on the couch, we were constantly with each other. We became practically inseparable. We spent every minute of every day together. I wished that these long, beautiful days would last forever.

Eventaully it was September and I had been rehearsing like crazy for my upcoming tour. Every day, Alexa would come to the dance studio and watch me practice. I loved how supportive she was of me and my career. But what I loved most was that she adapted to it. She didn't care how frustrating and hard the fame was...she was willing to pull through for me. She was one of the toughest girls I've ever seen. There aren't many girls who are willing to change their entire life just for some guy. There aren't many girls who are willing to put up with all that stuff, but she was. And that is what made her most special.

After a while, Alexa and I became busier and busier. It was almost impossible to even find time for each other anymore. We both had crazy schedules and the periods of time we were together were very brief. There were times in the studio where I'd forget a lyric or screw up a dance move because I'd completely zone out. She was the only thing on my mind. Every day I didn't see her, I felt guilty for not giving her all the love and affection she deserved. Each night I'd toss and turn wondering about what Alexa was doing and how upset I was that I couldn't just be there beside her. If it was this painful not seeing her for a couple days, what was it going to be like not being able to see her for months and months? I feared what would happen with us and if she would just give up. The thought of not seeing her for months made my stomach churn. Ugh...

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