Chapter 14

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Alexa's POV

Me and Justin walked out of Bloomingdale's, hand and hand. He pecked my ear with his lips softly. When I was with him, I just felt so safe. I felt so loved. I felt understood, beautiful and wanted. I felt like I was on top of the world. Like nothing could ever get in my way.

We went to an ice cream place and immediately I saw a girl pointing and whispering, "Mommy, is that Justin Bieber?" A couple moments later, the girl and her mother walked up and the mother said, "Hey, my daughter is a big fan of yours. Do you think we could get a picture?" Justin said, "Of course!" and took a picture with the girl. "Wait, Mommy. I want a picture with his girlfriend too.", the girl said pulling her mom back in our direction, pointing directly at me. "Do you mind?", the mother asked. "No! Of course not.", I said taking a picture with the little girl. "Bye love!", I said. Me and Justin waved as the little girl skipped back to her mom, her face lit up with pure joy. It was official. I was known as "Justin Bieber's girlfriend."

We got our ice cream and sat down on a bench outside. We looked up at the night sky, the stars shining down on us. "Hey, I think you got ice cream on your lip. Let me get it.", Justin said leaning in to kiss me. "You never get tired of doing that, do you?", I asked, giggling a bit. "Nope.", he said with a grin. "Justin, do you ever just wanna be a normal kid again?", I asked. He wrapped his arm around me and said, "Well, yeah of course. But this is my new normal. And besides when I'm with you, I do feel like a normal kid again. I don't feel that way with anyone else.", he said making me blush. I rested my head on his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair. This was like a dream come alive. I wish this moment would just go on forever. The only place I wanted to be was here in Justin's strong arms.

Once we finished our ice cream, we made contact with more paparazzo. Great...just what I needed at midnight when I was exhausted. One of them tried touching me. I was biting the sleeve of my oversized sweater. They were pushing me out of the way to get a picture of Justin. Justin automatically flipped out. "LAY A FINGER ON HER AGAIN I DARE YOU.", he spat, threatening the paparazzi. He tried shoving the paparazzi but the security guard pulled him back. "Justin, please don't. Can we just go home?", I said softly in his ear. "I'M ONLY GOING BECAUSE MY GIRL WANTS ME TO BUT I SWEAR IF YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN-", he screamed. "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO, BIEBER?", the sleazy guy interrupted. "I will shove my fist right up your-" "JUSTIN!", I shouted. We finally pushed through and I put my pocketbook over my face, which was now red and puffy from crying. We got in the car and I didn't say anything. I silently looked out the window of the van. It was beginning to drizzle. Justin looked worried about me. "I'm sorry...", he said stroking my thigh. "Why did you have to start a whole big thing? You couldn't have just kept quiet for one minute?! You totally embarrassed me! Now it's gonna be all over the news!", I screamed. "WHAT?! I was only trying to protect you! God why are you going all insane?", he said. "You didn't have to do THAT!", I responded.

Not a peep came out of anybody the whole ride home. It was dead silent. We finally got to my house and I got out, slamming the door. Justin didn't even say goodbye. That really hurt. Why was he being such an asshole? Every time things are going great, something always has to get in the way and just ruin everything. I understood that paparazzo were a part of the job and all but why did Justin have to create a big scene?

I ran into my house, the rain beginning to pour down on me. I stormed up to my room, wringing out my soaking wet hair. I locked myself in my room and collapsed onto my bed, bursting into tears. I threw my pillow across the room, at my window. I didn't even change into my pajamas. I stayed in my drenched clothes...not caring if I froze to death or not at this point. I shut the lights and struggled to fall asleep. I was crying softly all night long. Tossing and turning for hours and hours. I checked the clock to see what time it was. It was already 3:00am. I curled myself up in a ball under the covers and continued to shiver as tears kept rushing down my cheeks. I placed my head on my sheets, which were now damp from all the tears. Would this relationship with Justin work...?

Justins POV

Laying in bed. not getting one ounce of sleep, I rubbed my forehead. All this gave me a pounding headache. I rolled onto my stomach, and grabbed my phone, hoping to get an apology from Alexa. I didn't. What was going on? What if she didn't want to get back with me? The thought of her breaking up with me  brought the biggest knot to my stomach. I couldn't picture my life without her...and I didn't want to. I needed her. I loved her. What would I do with her? She drove me crazy half the time, but the other half all I wanted was to hold her in my arms. Tonight was the night I was supposed to tell her I loved her, not the night we would get into this huge argument. What did this mean? I hated myself. I didn't even say goodbye. She must've hated me. I was such a jerk. I just wanted to do everything I could for her. I just wanted to protect her. I went way overboard, I know that. I wish I could go back in time and reverse what happened. But it was too late. I screwed up...big time.  Putting my phone back down, I shut my eyes slowly.

At about 4:00am, I got a call. I turned over to see who it was. It was Alexa.

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