Dancing With The Half Bloods

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Chapter 1- Ugh.

was in my own personal dance room in my house when my mum burst through the door. I always felt shy when people walked in on me dancing I was half way through my song that I was dancing to 'Radioactive' and lucky me I was in a perfect elbow stand and with my mum barging in I of couse fell on my knees.

"Maisy, I am leaving to go across the world for a business trip and I need you to go to a camp, you know right?" she said sternly.

"Got the message....weeks ago. Been reminded every 5 minutes. Course I forgot" I said standing up and walking over to my stero. "Besides whats the deal? Why can't I just stay here?" I ask. "It's not safe for you honey." my mom says concerned.

"Pfft okay mum what ever, just give me five more minutes I am almost finished with the dance." I stroll over to my stero, beginning to press play when my mom stomps her foot hard. "No, now I have to leave in 2 hours and you need to get to Camp Half Blood safely, which means crossing the border alone," I roll my eyes and take the CD outta the stero. I put it in a empty case in my book bag and walk out of the room turning off the light, I put my bags in the car and head upstairs to get changed into some nice clothes so the campers don't think im some idiot. I quickly changed into some jeans, a blad tank top with a red plaid shirt over it, and some red vans. Man how I love my vans.

I headed down stairs with my dancing backpack on my shoulder, before I left my room I put a few more CD's in there so I could avoid the camp period, to be honest I really didn't want to go. At all, but of course mum always gets her way so long story short i'm packing for the worst time of my life.

I went outside locking the door behind me and got into the taxi with mum in the back seat with me.

"Don't worry it will be fun" my mum says glancing at me. "As in fun you mean like a dance comptition I can compete in or a stage to practice on? Right mum of course not this isn't dance camp this is 'Camp Half Blood'" I quoted using my two index fingers. "So let's just face the odds my fun and your fun are not the same thing, in fact their miles away" I say angrily that my mum made me go here.

I heard her sigh and look the other way.

"Fun" I muttered.

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