Chapter 26- I never liked new people.

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Me and Lucy probally looked really stupid sprawled out in from of the campers right now. Well, cute story, but.... Me and Lucy wanted to find out who the 'New People' were, so we sorta peeked through the door, and I ran to go see and couldn't stop, so yeah I bumped into her and now here we are. :)

"Who are you?" a tan boy with black hair and black charcole eyes spoke first.

"What a complete airhead" Lucy mutters to me. I quickly nod and look at the rest of them.

"Pardon?" the tan boy asks. "Nothing" Lucy says rolling her eyes. "We are campers of this camp. Im Lucy Earthammer, and this is Maisy Truesurf" Lucy says smartly.

"Well, i'm sorry. I am Jake. Just Jake. Nothing more nothing less. Campers introduce your selves please." Jake says loudly. What is he liked the leader or something?

"Im Brooke. Like Jake said. Brooke. Nothing more nothing less." A pale girl with brown hair and blue eyes says. Me and Lucy nod and turn to a blonde haired boy, with brown eyes.

"Im Jordan Brady." he says smiling politely. I raise and eyebrown at him and he just shrugs. Cheery much??

"Uhmm. Me, Jordan and Brooke, are uhmm leaders of our camp. Do you guys have leaders?" Jake interupts.

I nod and Lucy just looks away. Well I guess she isn't going to talk.

"Yeah, actually are leaders are Inez Riddle, Percy Jackson, and Annabeth Chase" I reply politely.

Jake nods and looks at the campers who nod like they understand.

"Continue." Jake says rather loudly.

"Im Swift Blade, but I just prefer Swift. And my brother is Optic" a boy with hair and brown eyes, speaks.

"Yeah, i'm Optic Hunter. But I prefer like Optic or Hunter or what ever." A tan boy with bown hair and greenish-blueish eyes speaks.

"Hi, Im Ridley. Most people call me Rid or Ri, but Ridley is fine with me." A girl with brown hair and green eyes speaks.

I nod and smile politely welcoming her, she seems nice enough.

I look over at Lucy who is glaring at each and every one of them. Its like their in military camp, Lucy is giving them the death glare while some dont have a clue what is going on and the others looking scared half to death.

I nudge Lucy to get her to quit it, but she just ignores me.

I roll my eyes and turn my attention to a girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hi Im Hazel Levessque! But you can call me Hazel! Oh and me and Swift are dating." She adds.

I nod and turn towards a petite girl, who is standing next to a really tan boy. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, with a lot of make-up on.

"Hey. Im Anna Night. But of course you may call me Anna. And Bak here is my childhood friend/boyfriend" She says giggling. Afro child... Lovely..

"Hello, i'm Bakasura Webbranch. But people call me Bak." The tan tan boy with black eyes says.

"Oh and Violet is my sister" he adds.

I look at the one called 'Violet'.

"Hello im Violet Phantomear. But call me Vi or Vivi. My brother is Bak and yeah.." Violet trails off... She has light red hair and green eyes.

"Hi im James Shadowblade. Call me James tho." A boy with brown hair and greenish-brownish eyes speaks lastly.

"And uhm were camp half blood." Jake says loudly as the campers nod and agree.

"Inez and the others met up with us in the woods. They said you two would be here. So they all know us. So were gonna be staying in the hermes cabin." Brooke says.

"Whatever" Lucy mumbles walking off, she seems bored or angry. or sad.

Me and Lucy walk back into the cabin while the campers get settled into the Hermes cabin.

"What's got your panties in a twist" I say closing the door behind me.

"Well........" Lucy tails off sighing.

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