Chapter 19- What the campers don't know won't hurt them.....Right?

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That was the first name that popped into my mind. I picked it because its unique as some might say, you don't see most names like that. I quickly filled out the information as Lucy played with Monroe.

"What did you name her?" Lucy ask holding Monroe. "Esley." I say folding up my information sheet and stuffing it in my bag. "Monroe and Esley. I like it!" she says nodding. I roll my eyes and pick up Esley from the box. She looks really small for her age and compared to Monroe. I set her on the ground and watch he look around and stumble on her new feet. I can't help, but think how cute she looks.

As we sit there playing with Monroe and Esley we hear faint distant voices.

Campers. Me and Lucy exchange worried looks and Lucy stand up and looks out the door. A few seconds later she storms in the door picks up Monroe and sets him in her trunk, where she prepared his little home. She leaves open the trunk just a crack so he can breathe. I do the same with Esley and she whimpers when I put her in there. As we hear someone opening the door and closing it me and Lucy jumped on our beds and turn on the TV watching some channel, I quickly change it to Dance Moms and me and Lucy watched boredly as Tech walks in.

"Hey Tech" we both say at the same time. He looks at us like we both grew a third head. He rolls his eyes and walks to that extended room in the cabin. I sigh relieved and slump down into my bed. Lucy does the same and she turns the channel to The Vineyard.

"Hey, I was watching that!" I say irratated. She shrugs and goes back to watching the show. I growl and get up checking on Esley, before grabbing my bag and headed towards the door.

"Hey where are you going?" Lucy says.

"The papers said I needed to return the sheets to the guy who called me so i'm going there" I say turning the door knob.

"Anyone going with you?" she says, her eyes still fixtated on the television screen. "No, why?" I say.

I hear a loud bang from the extended room that Tech was it. I look over cautiously to the door then back to Lucy. "TECH CUT IT OUT!" Lucy says screaming at the top of her lungs. She rolls her eyes and stands up turning off the TV. She grabs her bag and heads towards me.

"Well you can't go by yourself, you need a campers company." Lucy says boredly. I nod my head and we walk out of camp.

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