Chapter 8- Pranking the Half Bloods

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The next morning I woke up to Lucy and Tech bickering at each other. "Shut up, both of you!" I say throwing a pillow at both of them.

As Tech leaves the room, Lucy walks over to me. "Wanna pull a prank?" she says. "On who?" I ask looking around the room. "Erin.....and a few more campers..but mainly Erin" she says excited. "Well she is a bit mean, HECK YEAH I WANT TO PRANK HER" I say getting up and getting dressed into a simple t-shirt and some jeans, with some comverse to match. I turn to Lucy who is wearing a black flannel, some black jeans, and some combat boots to match.

"So what's the plan?" I say as we head towards the pavilion for breakfast. "Well i'll do most of the work you just have to make sure no one comes, they are all gonna be training, but the first one to go back to their cabin is gonna be Erin." says Lucy as we sit down at a table.

"Well that sounds easy enough." I say taking a bite of eggs. "Never said it was gonna be hard." Lucy mumbles, eating a piece of bacon. Everyone else finishes their breaksfast and heads towards the combat area. Me and Lucy purposely stay behind and say we might have caught a cold. Once everyone was gone we headed towards the Aphrodite cabin.

Lucy pulls out a whoopie cushion and sets it under the covers on Erin's bed. After that her hand catches fire, she somehow puts the fire in her hand into the whoopie cushion. "Luce! Are you crazy your gonna light the girl on fire!" I whisper-shout at Lucy. "Chillax! It's fake fire" she says in a'duh' tone. "So she sits on the whoopie cushion, and she farts fire?" I ask Lucy as we head back towards her cabin. "No, no, no, she sits on it yes. Fire comes out, but it sorta sets her on fire, but since it's fake it won't burn her, just scare the pee outta her." Lucy says grinning. Once we enter the cabin, we peek through the window in her cabin and see campers heading back to their cabins.

"Alright, so Erin should be on fire in 3" Lucy begins.

"2" Lucy says, pausing.

"1" Lucy says giggling. After she says 1 we hear a scream and see Erin, running out of Aphrodite cabin. Me and Lucy bust out laughing at how stupid she looks.

"HELP IM ON FIRE!" screams Erin from outside. Me and Lucy laugh at her screaming, I can't believe she thinks she is on fire! We look back throught the window just to see Sarah throw a bucket of water on her, and the fire goes out. Meanwhile Erin is soaked, which makes her even more madder. She stomps towards her cabin and me and Luce just stand their laughing at Erin.

"Man pranking campers can be fun!" I say between laughing. "Yeah!" Lucy agrees still giggling. "Alright who is our next target?" Luce asks me. "Snow?" I ask giggling. "Alright stay here, Snow went hunting so imma do the plan and you stay here and scream 'Potatoes' if she comes." I nod my head and sit on my bed, wondering what plan Lucy did.

A few min later, Lucy runs in. "HIDE. SNOW CAME BACK AND THE PLAN BACKFIRED SHE IS FURIOUS!" Lucy screams at me. We both hide under out beds. When I see footsteps walk in and walk around the cabin. I try to keep, quiet, but I keep hearing Lucy giggling.

Snow finds us and just glares at us as we deny everything she accuses us of. We bust out laughing when she leaves, growling and mumbling something. "So what did you end up doing to her?" I ask Lucy laughing my head off. "Remeber what I did to Erin, but it was fake fire?" Lucy says about to laugh again. I nod my head. "Well remeber how it backfired. Instead of fake fire, I used real fire!" Lucy says busting out laughing. I laugh along with her.

(Sorry couldn't find a good prank for Snow.)

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