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"Mai!" Parker screamed girlishly. "Park!" I squealed hugging him tightly.

"Its been years since I last saw you how have you been?" Parker asks. "Dancing as always. And I have been fine." I say.

Parker was my best friend up until 7th grade, until he moved away to Australia. I haven't seen him since then. After hugging each other, he grabbed a sticky note and wrote something down before handing it to me. I opened it up and reallized he wrote down his phone number, I grinned and gave him my number.

"Yay! Were now best friends!" Parker said giving me another hug. I smiled and handed him the puppies information. "Well I hate to leave so soon, but I have to go i'll text you and maybe we can meet somewhere to catch up on things, that sound good?"

He nodded and took the papers.

After I walked out of the building it started raining. "Great" I mumbled and I ran towards the car garage. The car is not there?

"Lucy!!" I yell. "Lucy are you there?"

Nothing but silence. I growl and walk towards the road towards camp.

A few minutes of walking down the road I am met by the intersection where I need to turn to get to camp. I quickly turn at the right turn and walk through the woods.

I roll my eyes and cross the border. Heading into camp I am met by a bunch of people by the camp fire under some shelter that was never there before. I walk into the cabin and find Lucy digging through my trunk. "Lucy! Get out of there, the Esley is there!" I yell snatching her hand out of the trunk.

"Yeah, hate to break it to you, but the puppies are gone! They are somewhere and none of them-" she gestures out to the campers "Can find out."

We. Are. So. Dead.

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