Chapter 6- I don't dance around 'Half Bloods' better yet anyone -.-

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I was awaken by a pillow being thrown at me. "Get up!" Tech threw at pillow at Lucy then one at me. Lucy groaned from the other side of the room. Honestly I didn't care I just went back to bed no matter how many pillows Tech chucked at me, I was not moving from this spot. Finally he gave up and walked away muttering something I didn't understand. A few min I heard foot steps comming back in the room.

"TECH THAT IS FREAKING COLD!" I heard Lucy yell. Well Lucy screams, Tech did something, cold. Hmm what else could wake up a person in the morning. Water.

I sat up quickly just in time for Tech to throw water right on top of my head. I growled at him as I got up, got my clothes outta the dresser and went to the bathroom.

I took a shower and put on a t-shirt with some jeans and combat boots. I walked outta the bathroom with my hair still wet from this morning honestly I didn't care I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

I went back to the cabin to find Lucy grumbling about something.

"I swear that cave mans gonna get it" I growled thinking of a plan. "Maybe I should help, you know since I am the skilled one you know" she says making a flame appear in her hand. "Yeah, yeah whatever" I mumbled. We walked towards the pavilion with tables there. I sat next to Lucy and I think her name was Snow. I began eating my breakfst, which was: wait for it.....OATMEAL! Yeah, yeah healthy dancer diet, spirit of my life. After breakfast everyone went back to their cabin to do who knows what. When I got back into the room I changed into a pair of purple running shorts and a red off the shoulder top, with a white tank top underneath, again normal dancer wear.

Hmph, forgot this wasn't 'dance academy' this was 'pain in the bum camp101'

I walked to what seemed like the combat room, since there was a mirror and a wooden floor, I set down my IPhone and turned on my 'Radioactive' Once I finished the part I was already finished with I figured out how to work on an ending. "Okay so piourette, double, no triple. The do a left leap land and fruoette." I mumbled to myself. When I turned towards my IPhone I saw everyone, eyes wide mouths wide open. Lucy, Tech, Snow, Nico, Jack, Ace, and Sarah. Hmph no sign of bratty mc brat brat. Until she walked in the room. WAY TO MAKE A DRAMATIC ENTER.

"What?" I asked as they just stood there. "You dance?!" Lucy said. "Erm, yeah, all my life why?" I asked all of them curiously. "Can you show us some moves?" said Sarah. I scoffed and grabbed my IPhone. I walked towards them and handed Lucy my IPhone and said for her to press Radioactive and they can start dancing when ever. I honestly was not going to get judged by 'Half Bloods' so I just walked out and headed towards my cabin.

This is going to be a looonnnggg while.

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