Joey and I

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Most stories are very detalied, but I'm just gonna get right to it.

I was auditioning for a dance show and the winner gets to meet 5 youtubers of their choosing. Don't ask. It was for an adult show, so I made the first cut since I had just turned 20.

I'm not gonna give you the whole story, just the highlights.

It was down to Thomas Daniels from Florida, and me, Brittney Garcia from New York. The host was just about to annouce the winner.

"And the winner is------------"

Thomas and I held hands. He was squezzing so hard, I could tell he was nervous like me. The host finished.

"Brittney Garcia!"

I was so exicted! I could finally meet my one true love! I hugged Thomas because I felt bad for him.

"So Brittney," said the host. "During the break, decide on who you wanna meet. And we also have a big surprise for you!"

I couldn't wait. I had already compiled a list in my head, just in case.

Joey and IWhere stories live. Discover now