Chapter 29

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I was so tired last night, I fell asleep through the first movie. The last thing I remember was laying next to Liam, cuddling up next to him.

But, I woke up to any empty bed. Liam must've went home after he saw that I fell asleep. But when I got up from my bed, I was just about to grab my phone when I saw a little note by it. I grabbed the note & opened it up.

''Goodmorning babe:) You fell sleep last night & I didn't want to wake you. I'll pick you up around 6. Dress nice, love you! -Love Liam''

Aww he's so sweet. I'm glad he wrote a note wanting me to to worry. I really hope me & Liam last for a very long time.


I got up & went downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and my mom wasn't there. Then I saw a little note that had 'Arianna' written on the front. Oh great.... more reading.

I opened it up & read to myself. ''Goodmorning honey, sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up, I had to take an extra shift at work & won't be home till later. And just in case your hungry, I went to the store yesterday so help your self to anything you'd like -Love Mom. P.S.- Try to burn down the house when I'm gone;)''

I laughed at what she wrote.And it was very true. I almost burned down the house one time but mom came just in time to make sure I didn't.

I walked to the fridge & opened it. It was full. I helped myself into the freezer & warmed up the microwavable pancakes. Yeah, I really don't use the stove anymore after me almost burning down the house.

When the pancakes were ready, I sat down and ate them while thinking.

I wonder where Liam was taking me tonight? He said dress nice so was it another date in those woods? No, probably not. Maybe a movie? Ugh I don't even know. And knowing Liam he won't tell me anything when he takes me out, he always says it's a 'suprise'. But, oh well.. I guess I'll look in my closet later. Right now I'm just going to enjoy my breakfast.

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