Chapter 37

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*3 months later*

I was currently waiting to be walked down the aisle with my great uncle.
I was so nervous. I kept pacing back & forth.
I was 4 months pregnant with this baby & my baby bump is starting to become visible.

God! I can't stop sweating!

'I can't do this' kept replaying in my head. I hated this feeling of being so nervous, we talked about it for awhile but I never knew this is how it felt before you walked down that aisle.

I was still pacing when my mom walked in with some tears starting to slide down her cheek.
"Honey you look beautiful" She said wrapping me in her arms.
"Mom I-I can't do this" I said.
"I know your nervous baby but you'll do wonderful. I'm proud of you" She said.
I sighed but nodded.
"I love you honey, you'll do great" She said giving me a smile then leaving the room.
My uncle soon walked in.
"You ready, sweetheart?" He asked.
"Uh y-yeah" I said picking up my flowers.
"Sweetie you look beautiful, stop worrying" He reassured me.
I nodded.

Liam's POV

I could hear the music playing where the bride is supposed to be walking down the aisle.
I was so nervous.
Everyone kept assuring me everything was going to be fine but I was scared and afraid that she'll back out & leave me for someone else.

When she finally appeared, my god.
She looked beautiful.
I was so lucky to have a girl like her.
After we marry & have this baby, I'm gonna be the best dad & husband in the world.

She finally approached me & I saw the nervousness in her eyes.
She still looked so beautiful even when she was nervous.
I grabbed her fragile hand & looked over to here and squeezed her hand to make her calm down.
She finally let out a deep breath & waited for the pastor to began the speeches that they always give at the weddings (lol).

"And you may now kiss the bride" Said the man.
I looked over to her beautiful face.
God, I was lucky.
I leaned in and she did also.
Her soft lips finally connected with mine & we both moved our lips in sync.
I didn't even hear the crowd cheering.
I was too focused on kissing my beautiful wife.

We finally broke apart from each other and I smiled at her giving her a wink.
She blushed.
Lord the was she blushes!

I grabbed her hand and we walked down the steps to be approached by family members coming up to us with hugs and congratulations.

When we finally broke apart from all the chaos I grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor. We began dancing to the slow music.
I went close to her face & pecked her lips.
"I love you" I whispered.
She blushed. "I love you too"
"I love you more" I said giving her a wink.
She giggled. "I love you most"
"Nah that's impossible" I said pulling her closer to me.
"Nothing's impossible" She said giving me another peck on the lips.

This honestly was the best night of my life.

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