Chapter 34

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*3 days later*

Today was the day, I was gonna tell Liam. I've been a wreck these past few days. I've been constantly throwing up & craving food, badly.

I texted him to meet me somewhere cause I said we needed to 'talk' about some things.

I hope he doesn't think I'm going to break up with him.

But I know in a way, where already gonna end. When he finds out I'm pregnant, he's gonna walk out of my life for good. I'd be heartbroken but I guess I'd understand.

I put my jacket on & grabbed my phone & keys. I walked down the stairs to be greeted by my mom. I told her I was meeting up with a 'friend' cause I didn't want her to question me about exactly how I was gonna tell Liam.

I walked to my car & got in & drove off to this little diner that me & my dad used to go to before he passed.

I saw Liam through the window, waiting. He looked super nervous.

He's probably gonna be frozen by the time I tell him the news.

I entered the diner & walked to where he was sitting.

I sat down on the other side of the booth & looked up at him & gave him a small smile.

"So you need to talk to me?" He asked.

I slowly nodded.

"Did I do something wrong? If I did I'm really-" I cut him off.

"Liam you didn't do anything wrong. It's just something that we did" I explained.

"I don't see what you mean" He replied. I sighed.

"I took three tests a few days ago" I paused.

"Pregnancy tests" I finished looking down fiddling with my fingers.

"-Y-Your pr-pregant?" He asked.

I slowly nodded.

It became awkwardly silent.

I looked up at him & it seemed as if he was trying to sink in the information I just told him.

I sighed. I got up at out of my seat. His gaze turned back to me.

I had a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I don't expect you to be together with me anymore, I'll take care of the baby & you can go & have a regular life and go do things that you wanna achieve. I'm not gonna hold you back" I said walking away, crying.

I didn't look back. I had to let him go.

I went to my car & unlocked the door & fisted my hair trying to hold back my tears. I cried loud & clear.

I calmed down a little & began to drive away from the diner.

I walked through my front door & went straight up to my room & took of my shoes and cuddled into my covers. I sobbed quietly & then I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"Honey are you okay? Is something wrong?"

"Yes, everything is all wrong. I'm so stupid for even getting pregnant" I yelled while sobbing.

My mom walked in. "Honey that's not true, you & Liam were deeply in love & you decided to share it & now something beautiful is going to come out of it" She said.

"I don't know if I can do this mom" I said.

"Honey, you can. I believe in you. Your gonna be the greatest mom" She said hugging me tightly.

I soon took a nap with my mom singing me a lullaby again.


I flutter my eyes open to the light coming from the curtains, as usual.

I pick up my iPhone off the desk. I had 3 missed calls from Liam.

I didn't want to call back. I didn't want to hear him let me down nicely & just completely walk out of my life. I already settled that yesterday & he didn't say anything so I guess we aren't together anymore.

I decided to call Breanna. I haven't talked to her in forever & she still didn't know about the 'news'.

I told her to come over cause we needed to talk about some things & catch up & she was so glad that I called.

I heard a knock on the front door & it was Breanna! She looked a little taller! God I haven't seen her in forever!

I gladly hugged her & told her to come in.

I rushed us up to my room.

"So how have you & Liam been?" She asked.

"Uh I guess we're not together anymore" I replied fiddling with my fingers.

"What, why??!" She asked.

I told her about everything & she seemed to completely understand. She said she would support me & that she was gonna be the aunt of this unborn child. I was so lucky to have a friend like her.

After Breanna left, I decided to go up to my room & watch some funny movies. Just as I was in the middle of the first movie, my phone started to ring & I glanced at the caller id.

It was Liam. He has been calling non-stop. I just pressed 'decline' & went back to my movie.

It was the second movie & it was 4:23 pm. Suddenly I heard a soft knock on the front door. My mom was at work so who would that be?

I went down the stairs & opened the door to be looking at... Liam.

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