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Accompanied with heavy breathing Jin swung the door open and was welcomed by a figure of a young boy hunched in the cold floor. Endless streams of tears were stumbling down onto his cheeks and on his lap laid an unconscious body of an older boy with pale façade and chapped lips.

"H-hyung... Wake up! Please wake up!" The younger boy screamed in between his sobs.

Orange and white colored pills were scattered all over the floor, Jin was petrified but he chose to move closer hoping that there was still a small amount of chance to revive him, wishing that there was still hope for Hoseok.

The young boy was oblivious with his presence but once Jin scooted closer the sound of crunched pills beneath his feet alarmed him.

"Oh god! Jin hyung help me. Please help Hoseok hyung! I already called ambulance but they're still not here, let's just revive him." The young boy pleaded with eyes screaming of desperation.

Jin held Hoseok's wrist and checked his pulse only to feel nothing. Neither beating nor rhythm could be felt, what was left from him was his cold and pale surface.

As fast as the speed of light the reality struck Jin.

His cheerful Hobi was gone, his friend who has always made them smile could no longer be with them. The man who had claimed to be there hope and angel had departed.

Jin sat helpless beside the sobbing boy and the lifeless body, the only thing that he could do was to stay beside them and wait for someone to take Hosek's body away from him.

"Why aren't you doing something? Please do something hyung!" The younger desperately grabbed Jin's arms before he continued. "You're a doctor, please save him! I'm begging you Jin hyung don't give up and revive him.

Desperation was pinned all over the younger boy's face while tears were flooding from his eyes.

"You know that I would never give up on him Kook, but he himself had already given up. What can I do? I'm just a mere doctor I'm no God." Tears in Jin's eyes started to race down, he couldn't hold it any longer and keeping his calm demeanor just to appear strong in front of his younger friend vanished as he grieved.

Not too long after, the wailing siren of the ambulance interrupted their grieving.

Jin was there, standing still.

Jin was there, watching them take away his hope.


Jin sauntered toward the place where the boys used to hangout. All of them were already notified with the incident that occurred earlier. As he walked straight to the front porch, he saw Jungkook latching onto his phone while suppressing his tears.

The place was erringly silent and when he came closer to the younger, he was at the brim of tears as he looked up to him.

"Hyung, something's not right."

His statement confused Jin, someone's died from overdosed what could be more off than that?

"I called Jimin hyung before you even came into Hoseok hyung home. I've tried calling him again but he wasn't taking my call." Jungkook anxiously said.

"Damn!" Jin cursed under his breath.

He hurriedly took his own phone and dialed Jimin's number but the other only kept ringing. After his many attempts the receiver had finally answered his call.

"Jimin! Park Jimin answer me!" He exclaimed but silence was the only thing that prevailed on the other line.

He waited for a few more seconds but the ragged breathing was the only noise he could hear from the background. His chest was hammering and Jin could feel the hair on his neck prick.

"Crap! Jungkook come with me. I don't feel good about this."

He wasn't expecting for Jimin to act that way. Aside from the Jungkook their youngest, Jimin has a soft spot for Hoseok. He considered Hoseok as his happy pill, Jimin might adored Jungkook so much but it was only Hoseok who could lit up his mood within a snap and without much effort. Jin had anticipated for him to cry his eyes out or be in such in denial state about his closest friend's death, but Jimin was silent and it scared him.


Jin and Jungkook hit the road in full speed, both nervous with what was happening with Jimin in the moment. The whole drive was silent no one dared to speak. The squeaking of the tire and brake was the only sound you could heed.

As they pulled over, the noise of the music coming from the mansion greeted them. With no time to waste, they immediately sprinted inside the house, not minding the visitors of Jimin's father. They ran along the stairway until they came across Jimin's wooden door frame.

The older took the courage in grabbing the knob, twisting and opening it, revealing a dark room. A slight light penetrated the dark area making them able to see a figure crouched at the edge of the bed leaning its back in the wall.

For a moment the two boys were able to let out a relief sighed. They approach the crouched figure slowly and sat beside him.

Looking closely, you would see the almost dried tears in his cheeks.
He was staring in the space with flat expression his eyes were impassive and his face was stoic.

"Hyung?" Jungkook stroked his arms, but he gave no response and was still staring blankly at the space ahead of him.

Jin was just there sitting and watching Jimin's action intently while Jungkook was slowly getting eaten by confusion.

The younger placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders and started shaking him harshly wanting to get a bit of response from the older but to his disappointment he didn't get any.

"Jimin hyung! Why are you being like this? Please don't ignore me!" The boy cried out of confusion. "Hyung, I promise not to ignore you anymore! Please stop doing this." He added.

Suddenly Jin panicked and ducked his head in front of Jimin while holding the boy's face, scrutinizng his eyes intently.

"Oh shit! This can't be happening!" Jin cursed. He was never fond of swearing but the situation in front of him made him slip words he hatted in the first place.

"Jin hyung! What's happening?" Jungkook queued as his tears swelled up.

He ignored the question the younger had thrown to him and instead pulled Jimin up.

"I already lost Hoseok! I'm not going to lose you and I'm not going to lose anyone. Not anymore."

SHE CHOSE DEATH | Jimin ✔Where stories live. Discover now