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Muddy soil went in contact with my feet as I walked aimlessly into the forest full of haze. The cold and wet surface underneath made me shiver and sleepiness go away.

Where am I? What is this place?

I kept wandering around the area stepping unto twigs and hearing little woods knuckle breaks. I felt weightless and high— I felt empty.

Following the path going through what it seemed like a cliff, I've heard a weeping— a weeping coming not only from an individual but from the crowd. I was crept out hearing such an eerie sound yet went further to appease my curiosity.

As I slowly get a fuller view of what's ahead of me, my knees trembled. Number of people dressed in black gathered around a black wooden coffin curved in what it seems like a tribal pattern.

My feet didn't move further out of fear but my eyes zoomed closer in every person gathered around the coffin. My eyes darted in a couple; a woman kneeling down as she sobs loudly while the man taps her back trying to sooth the pain away. She tried to grab her husband's shoulder and embrace him for support she tilted her head and I was petrified to register her face— it was my mom.

My breathing becomes erratic as my eyes moved from place to place trying to recognize the other individuals. I went closer and immediately found all the faces familiar. They’re my friends from the university I attended, some were weeping while others creepily smiling. My psychiatrist was there too looking as if bored and Nurse Min who stared blankly at the coffin.

"What on earth is happening?" I uttered loudly while my voice trembled out from confusion.

No one seemed to hear me, I tried yelling but no one bothered to face me and that everyone turned deaf. I took a step closer going towards my parents to get their attention but halted when I saw a familiar man hunched on the muddy soil beside the casket.

He was holding a stone rough enough to scrape flesh. Leaning near the coffin while scrapping it, he was trying to curve words in the black wood in front of him. His eyes were gleaming with tears as he forcefully scrapped the stone onto the coffin’s surface.

As I get a glimpse of the words he was trying to form I felt a cold sensation from my stomach going towards my throat.
‘DON'T LEAVE’— letters boldly written.

I abruptly circled around his opposite side hoping that he could hear me unlike the others. I was a coward to even take a peek inside the coffin, I already have the hint but I never wanted to verify it with my own eyes.

As I stretched my arms to hold his shoulder the upper part of the casket suddenly flew open and a cold hand tightly gripped my forearm. My face immediately turned pale when I tilted my head out of reflex.

A ghostly pale woman stared at me, no blood evident running in her veins. Her eyes were dead, everything about the woman was lifeless— I am her, I am dead.

"You chose death! Come with me!" She (I) yelled.

I hastily took a step back after realizing the horror in front of me. Totally forgetting that I was in the side-line of the cliff and with the entire jinx by my side I tripped into the stone Jimin had used curving in the coffin. I am falling— a scream came from my mouth as the darkness took over.

SHE CHOSE DEATH | Jimin ✔Where stories live. Discover now