twenty five

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Standing opposite next to a wooden door under the shade of the eerie moonlight and hauntingly freezing winter wind blowing to and fro coming from the seaside, was not as nice as what other books and novels had described it to be.

Jimin and I stood frozen in front on what it seemed like a rest house beside the sea for almost five minutes already. I just kept silent waiting for him to make his decision to finally bring his fist to knock on the mahogany doorframe.

"I can't--"

"You just have to believe that everything is going to be fine Chim," I said before squeezing his hand to give him assurance.

"We're going to be in deep shit if things go wrong," he nervously said upon squeezing my hand back.

"Shits occur but miracles do happen have you already forgotten that? L-let's just jump into a pile of shit and expect for some miracle in return." I beamed as I tried my best to put up a confident façade in front of him.

"Please remind me not to say any foolish words of wisdom next time, I'm afraid that at the end of the day you'll use it all against me." He replied as he drew his breath deeply whilst I send a wink in respond to him.

Slowly raising his fist and subsequently knocking the wooden door thrice, I couldn't help not to notice how his feet stood restless.

Upon hearing footsteps coming near to us, Jimin abruptly turned to face me whilst repeatedly blinking his lids and his adams apple bobbing back and forth looking like a lost kid trying to ask some help from his mom.

Ha! Cute!

The door burst open, "Who's--"

"Hyung? Jimin hyung?" The raven haired boy asked in surprised upon seeing the two us in his doorsteps.

Jimin gulped before he smiled awkwardly, "Who else would it be Maknae? Surprise! I guess."

There stood a minute of silent interval between the two boys in front of me. One acting nervous just like a boyfriend caught red handed after cheating on his girlfriend whilst the other stood there gawking as if he was seeing his long lost lover after decades.

The scene in front of me looked like those YAOI I read in manga? Weird but I totally ship this two.

WTF? Why am I so polluted?

"Ah-h Jungkook-ah care to invite us in? It's freezing here outside." Jimin queued before he inserted his trembling hands into his coat pocket.

"Y-yeah! I'm sorry, please do come inside." Jungkook said, almost tripping down while giving way for us to enter his abode.

He looked at me briefly with puzzled expression, only for me to respond with a little nod as I walk passed him.

"Oh by the way this is Jam a friend of mine," Jimin said after Jungkook had closed the door, "And this is Jungkook my favorite dongsaeng."

"Nice to meet you Jungkook," I exclaimed while I offered a handshake in which he gladly accepted.

"It's nice to meet you too," he smiled before he continued, "C-can... can someone explain to me what is going on? Jin hyung haven't told as anything about you being discharged," he asked Jimin.

"I'll explain everything later, but first of all I think I deserve a warm welcome hug from you it's been long since I saw you. I did not expect that you'll grow this tall and buff, what are they feeding you Kookie?" Jimin joked as he suddenly pulled Jungkook into a tight embrace in which Jungkook gladly returned despite his confusion.

I mean who wouldn't?

If I were Jungkook I'd totally freak out seeing two people in his doorsteps who were supposedly inside the mental asylum taking their medicines and sleeping in this unfriendly time of the night.

On the other hand, it was nice and refreshing seeing Jimin acting carefree in front of his friend.

The anxious and fearful self he showcased a while ago were nowhere seen and visible. I was in pure Joy seeing him smile and tease his younger folk. He was already starting to act according to his age, his cheeks were glowing brightly whilst his eyes almost disappeared when his glowing cheeks grew higher.

Indeed, he was a hidden gem.

Dazzling and magnificent,

This is your home, this is your rightful place and you belong in here; a place in which you can shine brightly.

I was happy- very much to be précise, but why does my chest ached? My fingers slowly grew numbed as my breath became shorter and ragged.

Not now! Please not yet!

As I tried my best to keep calm and hid my pain, I called onto Jimin, "I don't mean to intrude your sweet moment but can I ask if I could rest for a while so that I could give you the quality time the both of you deserved?"

"Ah-h yeah! I'm sorry I got carried away," Jimin walked near me, "You seem so pale? Are you alright?"

"N-no I-I'm fine, just a bit cold and tired."

"Come Noona, I'll show you your room," Jungkook hurriedly walked away whilst both Jimin and I trailed after him.

The room was spacious enough to be occupied by more than two people, a closet near the balcony and few furniture lying inside the wooden structured room.

"I'll get extra pillows and blankets, it's quite chilly in here this days." Upon sending us inside Jungkook immediately went out to prepare some necessities that we needed.

"You should follow and help him Jimin."

"B-but how about you? Are you really fine?"

"Y-yes of course, you don't have to worry about me I'm just really tired from travelling and I badly need to rest. You should go and talk to Jungkook-- that kid seems so lost still after seeing us here and you might want to explain everything to him before he notifies Jin." I lied as I gritted my teeth due to the continuous pain in my chest.

"I guess you're right but remember that when you feel sick I'm only one call away."

"Stop being so cheesy will you? Go before I cringe to death!" I yelled as I pushed him out with all the remaining strength my arm could muster.

"Fine! Fine! Stop pushing me. I swear to God you're gonna miss me soon."

Upon shutting the door close, beads of sweat trickled down my forehead despite the freezing temperature and my feet wobbled weak making me lean my back onto the doorframe seeking for support.

Hastily rummaging into the pocket of my coat, my fingers felt the circular tin cap of my bottle meds. Pulling it out and subsequently twisting the cover, two pieces of the remaining red and blue capsules dropped onto my palms as I turn the bottle upside down.

With trembling hands I brought the two capsules into my mouth and swallowed it harshly, 'Please work! Even just this time,' I prayed.

Just a little time-- that was all I'm asking, just a little time to be with Jimin.

I choose to live a little longer-- let me live just a bit longer.

a|n : i moved pass the age of being a teenager but here i am trying to run away from home over trivial matter...
like wtf?!! i need to grow up. :'/

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