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Her eyes stung— vision blurry and fuzzy. Dots of white cloudy specks appeared before it became clear and revealed the face of the mint haired pale nurse.

"I'm envious, must be nice sleeping." He uttered, busy with placing tubes and dextrose on the metal stand.

More than before Jam felt tired and exhausted. She tried to part her dried lips and cleared her water deprived throat.

"H-how long was I asleep?"

"Two days," Nurse Min simply answered.

Without sparing her a single glance, the male nurse busied himself preparing the apparatus near her bed side. Thereafter, he walked toward her and gently pulled Jam onto a sitting position while his palms supported her back.

"The doctor is waiting, you have an appointment." He swiftly placed his right arm on the back of her knees while the other snaked around her arms and back. He carried her with much ease given that the nurse doesn't have a muscular frame.

Nurse Min walked towards the exit door wherein a wheelchair waited for them. She could smell the clean soap and bleach when the mint haired nurse adjusted her in a much comfortable position, Jam's face was near his chest and she couldn't help herself to feel comfortable given that the scent of ethanol and medicine was replaced by his clean scent.

Carefully, he placed her down and started pushing the wheelchair along the white linoleum floor of the asylum.

The whole journey was quiet, no one dared to speak. Jam's thoughts were clouded with all the reasons why she ended up there. It confused her so much that instead of waking up in a normal medical hospital, her eyes fluttered open in a mental asylum.

The squeaking of the wheels halted when Nurse Min stopped pushing and swiftly twisted the door knob which led them to her alleged doctor.

The same man, whom she first saw after waking up, welcomed them. The same man who said that she was in hell. The doctor gently smiled at her and waited until Nurse Min had already positioned Jam opposite to him. Silently, the male nurse walked out, shutting the door close.

The doctor clasped his hands together before he started talking, "so how's your feeling?"

What a nice question to begin with, Jam rolled her eyes.

"After waking up in a place full of lunatics, I feel amazing." Jam retaliated with sarcasm dripping from her tone.

"Let's try to discuss over this manner calmly."

"Calm?! For Christ's sake! How could I when I don't even know why I'm here and I'm not even crazy." She yelled after losing control with her temper.

"You're not crazy? Try to ask all the patients in here and they'll say the same line."

Jam could see the glint of frustration on the doctor's face. She wanted to prove to them that she was not insane just like the other patients inside. She's not crazy! That's the truth.

"You think I'm insane?" She breathed deeply.

"You know, humanity is full of insanity and you're never an exemption." The doctor never gave a concrete answer that she could hold onto.

"I don't care about humanity! I don't care about your philosophy! What I care about is getting out from this hellhole." For a brief moment, it was clear that doctor was intimidated by her sudden outburst but quickly composed himself.

"So you can harm yourself again?" His tone was different now. The once calm and warm aura he emitted was replaced by authority.

"I could care less if you still want to die but listen here young lady, your parents dump you here. You got no choice and I got job to do."

Jam was rendered speechless for some time. That wasn't real right? Her parents adored her so much, she was a perfect and flawless daughter to them and they treasured her. They won't let their daughter suffer in here— they're not capable of doing that.

All the confusion and frustration she felt mixed up and a sudden pain in her chest started to swell.

"You're lying! You're just a lying bastard!"

Tears started to race down from her eyes and as much as she wanted to be in denial about everything she just can't. Despite the fact that her parents loved her so much they still need to protect their reputation and having a suicidal daughter won't do any good in their image.

"You thought life was just plain and boring? Well congrats, you just turned it more interesting." His tone mocked her and on cue all the emotions within her exploded.

"Enough! Stop with all this lies." She abruptly stood up and slammed his palms on the desk.

"You are evil, let me out! I'm going home." She screamed and caused ruckus inside the office, his once neat table before she entered was now disorganized. Papers and folders were scattered all around and were sent flying.

The doctor still sat there calmed and composed, he stared at her for a moment before calling someone's name.


The door burst open, and the mint haired nurse jogged straight towards Jam. And before she knew it, she was already being held down.

"You didn't behave. Do you know what I do with bad girls?" He whispered.

A sudden pinch of pain struck her arm.

"I put them to sleep."

SHE CHOSE DEATH | Jimin ✔Where stories live. Discover now