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#uneditted please forgive me for the typos and wrong grammar. Too busy to check.


"Damn, You're really flat!" He exclaimed.

It was a cold afternoon but the shade of my cheeks and forehead flushed warmer than its usual. I slapped his arm away from me and started to smack him in the head.

"You perverted asshole!" I yelled at him whilst his arms shielded for defence.

"Ah...h! ah! Enough! I'm just stating a fact why are you getting angry?"

We became too busy trying to carry on with the fight where it totally slipped from our mind that we should keep our tone down to avoid getting noticed. We abruptly stopped when a sudden yell erupted from the other side of the building.

"Who's there?" The voice echoed and we both stared at each other in panicked.

I immediately pushed Jimin in the corner with all my remaining force causing him to get tripped and stumbled down.

"What are you doing here? Are you talking to someone?" Yoongi appeared walking near while eyeing me suspiciously.

"Ah...h, yeah I'm talking, ah I'm talking to myself." I stuttered while I took a glimpse at the area where Jimin had stumbled and to my relief he had managed to squeeze himself in the corner.

"Are you trying to make a fool out of me?" He spat back, putting his hands inside his pocket.

"No! No of course not, I mean it's normal for me to blabber things and talk to myself because I'm mentally ill. Normally that's what crazy people do." Please bite my lie even just this time, I silently prayed while my knees kept on trembling.

"Let's just pretend that I believed your lie, now go back inside before I turn you into a snow man." He demanded whilst tapping his feet.

"What an ass! If I'm snowman then you're snow white." I mumbled, marching back inside the asylum.

"You saying something?"

"Nothing, please don't mind me I'm just a crazy girl with raging hormones."

With that I immediately sprinted and went directly into my room, feeling the adrenaline rush within me.


Both Jimin and I were already back inside the asylum after the temperature outside dropped even more. The weather outside seemed to get worse as the snow endlessly poured down.

I was laying flat onto my bed while fiddling on the hem of my sweater feeling the temperature of my room getting colder-- the heater must've been broken.

It was past midnight but my eyes were still wide open. I was still debating if I should trust the scheme Jimin was plotting. His plans might sound easy as said but difficult when executed.

It won't hurt if I agree right? If we failed and get busted I'll just have to endure the endless pricks of needles. They might just let me off since I'm dying but what would happen to Jimin? Mine was already a mess, was it worth it to drag his?

Soft knocks came followed by the knob being twisted.

"And behold the prince is coming." Jimin moved inside the room and shut the door quietly.

I scoffed while looking away from him. Clearly upset from being bluntly called flat.

"Hey, you're still upset?" He went closer and sat on my bed whilst my back faced him. "Sorry, I just said that to ease the awkwardness." He explained.

"If I tell you that your feet couldn't touch the floor while sitting on my bed because you're too short would that ease the awkwardness?" I sarcastically replied.

"Woah! woah! Let's not drag my height into this that's way too rude." He chuckled before acting disappointed.

"You should've thought about that before body shaming someone." I pouted, keeping my back face him.

"Okay I'm sorry, I really am but I'm here to discuss our sweet escape so please spare me once." He stated, his tone getting tired from giving reasons.

I slowly brought myself up and sat down. The idea of escaping from this place never once left my mind after he showed me the abandoned building.

"I'm considering it but..." I stopped for a brief moment and continued "why are you doing this? You just suffered from schizophrenia they'll let you out immediately if you just speak out. Why go through all this troubles?" I looked at him intently clearly anticipating for his respond.

"Because I know that you're not insane. You might have made crazy decisions but it does not make you insane. Let’s accept the fact that all of us are crazy in our own little ways and that the craziness within us makes us more humane."

Hearing him spell out each words caused the tears in my eyes pricked. I hung my head low as I suppress the tears from falling, my fingers gripped the innocent blanket.

“Humans heart beats in rhythm but it may beat faster or slower than its usual pace depending on the emotions we feel. And that's what humans are made up—we're made from uncertainties. So let me help you and together let's turn our uncertainties into hope ." He reached for my hand and intertwined it with his. Slowly my tears started to fall while looking into his orbs—those eyes which screamed sincerity.

Without second thoughts I hugged him tightly, burying my face into the croak of his neck. Crying my eyes out like never before and in return he soothed the pain within me through his soft touches and assuring hums.

" Jimin!" I sobbed. "I've  missed out a lot, I want to escape this place and appreciate all the things that I haven't, I want to explore life." I pulled away and gazed at him as if he was the holding for my dear life.

"I don't want to die."

I finally let out the words that never in my life would I have expected to spit out. Months ago I was brave enough to choose death instead of life but when everything begun crumbling down being deprived with all the beauty the world could offer I became anxious.

People say that you can never fully appreciate what you posses until it was gone. Cliché as it may sound as it is.

I have learned to value life in the process of pain and despair but it was too late. Soon it is not I who will choose death-- life would leave voluntarily, my breath would stop inevitably and death will come to visit me.

"We all die..." Jimin responded before smiling. "The only difference is that someone goes first and others were later. Let's focus in the plan and go wild and free once were outside." He squeezed my hands and smiled, giving me assurance.

"What if I die before we could even make it outside?" I voiced out still worried with what's ahead.

"Jam, you just have to believe..." he wiped the remnants of the tears in my cheeks before he continued.

"Shits occur but miracles do happen."

SHE CHOSE DEATH | Jimin ✔Where stories live. Discover now