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"Welcome aboard! You've just landed face first in hell, so you better enjoy and make the most out of it."

No! This isn't happening! Her thoughts protested knowing that it was a pure lie.

Hell can never feel as cold as this.

Panic and confusion was painted all over her façade.

Tubes were all over her body and an oxygen mask was attached on her face fully covering her mouth. Jam was scared to death especially when she tried to speak but no words came out from her lips.

"Stop scaring the kid Jin." A pale man with a petite figure appeared beside the angel looking doctor.

"I'm just kidding," The doctor beamed while he stroked the strands of Jam's hair which laid in unorganized manner on the side of her cheeks. Without a word the doctor took a step back and started to walk away from her. He tapped the shoulder of the petite man before completely vanishing.

"He was just playing around, don't mind him." The pale petite man explained while he pulled a stall in the corner of Jam's bed. The man who seemed to be a nurse leaned his elbow on her bedside and trapped his face in between his hands.

"This isn't hell," he stated. "But I'd rather be in hell because you're in BigHit." The nurse added.

All the pain that Jam felt was suddenly washed away after she heard what he said. Just by hearing those words made her flesh shiver and as much as she wanted to deny the truth but it was laid in front of her.
She made the biggest mistake of her life by not making sure to perfectly complete her suicide mission and now it's time to pay the price.

She's inside BigHit, the infamous and most feared mental asylum in their town that has existed since World War II.

"My friend killed himself 2 years ago." The pale male stated.

"All his life he never failed to give hope and happiness. He was happy, contented and well loved by everyone around him. He had us, his friends and family."

The story was getting interesting as the man's continued. Jam wanted to speak but her own voice failed.

"It was only once when I saw him cry and I was totally oblivious that he was secretly fighting stress and depression. He never told anyone about his agony, he kept trying to live a normal life by making other smile as his daily routine with his pills as his only companion.

Jam couldn't help to feel sorry for the man who has been doing a story telling with loneliness evident in his voice as he continue to speak.

"Little did we know that his secret companion would eventually kill him." He paused for a second and cleared his throat, "he overdosed."

Jam felt bad for the man and his friend but what does it have to do with her?
It left her an impression that he just told that story to slap her bare face that what she did was wrong. But being someone who was completely sane inside a mental asylum, her stubborn self was ahead of her and she was firm to believe that it was indeed her time to die.

Jam started to move her head and shoulders with all the remaining energy in her body with the goal to remove all the tubes and life support attached onto her. She just wanted to die in peace and never stay inside BigHit alive.

"Did my words upset you?" The male nurse spoke before bending and leaning toward her.

"Truthfully, I could care less if you want to die or stay alive. The right to judge suicidal brats like you was not in my jurisdiction. My work is to keep my patients calm and put them into sleep when they become agitated."

Before Jam could even stay still and process everything what the male nurse had spewed, he already injected a serum in her arm.

Not too long after she slowly drifted in her never land filled with darkness and eerie.

The fading words of the pale male reverberated before she was fully engulfed by the darkness.

"Nurse Min, always at your service"

SHE CHOSE DEATH | Jimin ✔Where stories live. Discover now