Chapter 5

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We ended up going out to dinner for the night. Colby was sitting with Ashlyn, Sam was talking it up with Lily and I'm basically a 5th wheel. It felt awkward to be there. Am I supposed to just sit there waiting for someone to speak to me. Since everyone seemed like they were having fun I just walked out and called a über to pick me up. As i was waiting out side Colby came outside looking for me.

"Are you ok? Why did you leave?" He asked
"I don't feel really well and it's getting late." I lied. You want to know the real reason Colby. I like you I just realised it but i do and I can't take sitting a table and watch you gawk at the ferret you call a girlfriend. I would never have the guts to tell him that. I guess I'll just keep it in for now.
"Do you want me to take you home? Ashlyn wouldn't mind if we left early."
Yes Colby take me home and comfort me.
"No go back in there don't worry about me I called an uber to pick me up"
"Ok get there safely. I'll tell lily where your going." He hugs me then we part ways.

The uber finally showed up and I got in the car and then I tell the driver the address to Colby's apartment. I live there just until Im old enough to live on my own. We got to the apartment and I paid the driver. As soon as I got inside I  laid on colby's bed and cried myself to sleep while wearing his t-shirt.  How could this hurt so bad he's just a guy. Should I really be that upset? Maybe it'll be better in the morning.

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