Chapter 14

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After Colby finishes telling me all Ashlyn told her. He says she's going to stop by. Why in the world does she have to come here? This is so freaking weird like why would she call her ex?
After breakfast was made I stormed off into the room.
"Baby are you ok?"
"Yes Colby I'm fine cause I get to see your ex! Yes I'm peachy!"
"Why are you so upset? She's just wants some to talk to."
"Wants someone to talk to? She still likes you! She wouldn't have called if she didn't like you!"
So mad at this whole thing I started crying.
"Baby it's ok. If your worried about me going back to her don't. I wouldn't have broke up with her if I was."
Just hearing him talk and having him by my side was comforting.

So it was the next day we were all in the living room. Me Colby and Ashlyn. She was getting close to Colby. I tried not to lose it. I about did when she said this.

"So Colby I want you to know something important."
"Ok what?"
"I want to get back together with you."
My jaw dropped.
The room went silent.
Colby sat there looking puzzled so I spoke up.
"Um Ashlyn not to sound rude or anything but me and him are dating now."
"Oh that's great to hear I'm happy for you guys." She looked at her wrist even though she wasn't wearing a watch. "Look at the time I better get going. It was nice see you again Colby. Audrey."
"Bye." Colby snapped out of it
"Bye Ashlyn come back soon."
Come back never is more like it. 
She didn't even mention her mom while she was here. I closed the door and looked back at Colby.

"What did I tell you? I told you she liked you."
"So what I don't like her! Why does it matter?"

Did he really just asked me that question?
I didn't want to argue so I went and got ready for bed.

He comes behind me dropping his crutches. He kisses my neck from behind.
"I'm never letting you go."
To bad he had to. 

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