Chapter 27

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We were all at me and Colby's place packing for the beach. I couldn't find my straightener. It was identical to Lily's.
"Hey lily do you know where my straightener is? You know the one that is the Sam as yours?" Did I just say sam?! Snap out of it Audrey. 
"I mean the same. Sorry."
As soon as i said that Sam got a worried look on his face. Lily noticed in confusion.

She came up to me with my straightener, closed the door and asked me an unbelievable question.

"Audrey did you and Sam kiss this morning?"
I about died.
"Tell me the truth I won't get mad."
Ok here it goes. I'm going to tell her the truth once and for all.

"We did... But it was an accident he thought I was you. He was sleepy and he wasn't seeing straight and I thought he was Colby. Please don't get mad at Sam. He loves you and he wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose."
"I believe you" she nodded and went out the door.
That was it? I knew she would understand I mean it's just a kiss.

I felt good about myself. I told her the truth. I peaked my head out the door to hear she was talking to Sam about it.
"Sam I know what happen this morning and I'm not mad at all. I know it was an accident. I know you love me and that enough to convince me that you wouldn't wrong me."
"I do love you and kissing Audrey was just an mistake that will never happen again."
After that a laundry basket slammed on the ground making the room dead silence.
It was Colby he heard the whole thing.
Let's just say Colby wasn't as forgiving as she was.

"You kissed my girlfriend?! Dude! What the fuck?!"
Sam tried to defend himself
"It wasn't on purpose I swear! I thought she was lily."
Without no hesitation he kicked Sam out. I tried to explain to him he didn't mean to kiss me but he just ignored me.

Just when things were actually going well things got screwed up and ruined my happy moment.

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