Chapter 13

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It was a couple months later and Colby switched to crutches. Lily was better from her head injuries and everything seemed right in the world. We were in middle of watching a movie on the couch when he starts kissing me.
"Colby stop I want to watch the movie."
"Movies are boring. Only thing you do is sit there."
"Not always you can also yell at the Tv if one of the characters are being stupid."
"Nah. What's more fun a movie or me?"
"Well if you put it that way."
I smile as he leans in. Before he could come in contact with my lips I put my hand over his mouth and say
"The movie."
I smile at him
He got a sad look on his face.
"I'm just kidding your more fun than a movie. " I laugh
He kisses me without me resisting this time.
He stopped to look at me
"Do you know how beautiful you are?"
"No not really" I laugh "what I do know Is I gotta make lunch cause your lazy ass isn't going to do it yourself."
I say as I'm walking behind the couch hugging him from behind.
"Ouch I am hurt." He laughs. "Your mean to me you know that?" He smiles.
"Yes I know, but if I'm mean to you it means I love you."
He looks up at me and kisses me again
"I love you to."
He suddenly got a call from a unknown number.
It was Ashlyn.
She in the hospital with her mom.
They found out yesterday.
My question is why is she calling Colby after she left him with a broken leg at the hospital.
Just when everything seemed to go my way. She has to come and ruin it.

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