Chapter 38

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Lily was pregnant...
"Lily is going to be a mom!" I said all excitedly.
"Oh great another whiny little Brat I have to take care of." She said jokingly.
"Hey I'm not whiny. Childish but not whiny. Beside you better take care of my niece or nephew. I'm talking to you mister." I turned around and pointed at Sam.
"I promise I'll take care of him or her. We'll take care of our child together." He said while holding Lily's hand.
"Sam do you think we can do this? You know. Be parents?" She had a bit of doubt in her eye.
"I know we can. Your not going to be alone cause I'll be with you every step of the way."
Lily grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips.
Through out this touching moment the doctor came in with the results.
"Turns out your 3 weeks pregnant and I would like you to stay in town so I can run some test. Since you had your little fall earlier I want to make sure you have a healthy baby." The doctor was very nice. Even though lily was nervous about having this baby I could tell she was excited out it.

So lily and Sam are going to be parents. Wow. This is a new chapter in our lives.

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