Chapter 29

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On our way to lily and Sam's Colby kept looking at me.
"Nothing. Can't I just look at you without you asking questions?"
"Yes you can but I'm trying to drive and your cuteness is distracting me."
"Sorry." He laughs to himself.

We arrive at lily and Sam's house with them outside on the deck.
"Now Colby are you calmly ready to talk about this?" Lily asked
"Yeah whatever. "
He told me he wasn't mad but he sounds like he still has some anger left in him.
We all went inside and sat on the couch.
It was dead for a couple of seconds till Sam spoke up.
"Colby listen I didn't mean to. I honestly thought she was lily. I wouldn't have kissed her if I would have known."
"I believe you I mean we've been best friends for a long time. You haven't gave me a reason not to so."
"So we're cool now."
"Yeah we're cool."

After we got things straighten up with Sam and Colby. Me and Colby were walking out the door to go home.
"Oh Audi I forgot my phone in the living room I'll be right back." He said while checking his pockets.

As he went back inside I sat in the drivers seat of the car. Colby went back inside to get his phone. Sam came up to him to apologise one last time.
"Dude I'm so sorry it'll never happen again."
"Oh I know it won't."
"What's that supposed to mean."
"It means I'm watching you."

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