Chapter 34

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"Why don't you lovely ladies come on up and sing us a song." Said the DJ. 
Lily pushed me up to the stage cause I wasn't going to do it myself.

We got on the stage and told the DJ what we were going to sing. As the song
Started getting nervous. Lily started singing first and I joined in at the chorus. We actually didn't sound that bad. I stop being afraid and sang my heart out.

When the song was over the crowd cheer with an standing ovation.

I can't believe I just did that. I look over at lily and she was as about as happy as I was maybe even more. I looked at colby and he was smiling real big and clapping. I'm glad I didn't mess up that would have been embarrassing.

We got of the stage and Sam and Colby was waiting for us with there arms open.
"Audi I never knew you could sing that well. You should sing for me more often."
I couldn't help but blushing.

With all this excitement I totally forgot about Ashlyn. Until she showed up.
"Awe it's the whole crew together. Let me take a picture." I hate her with a passion. I wish she would step on some Legos. I know that's childish to say but doesn't matter at any age you are. Those this could kill you.

"Ashlyn what are you doing here? Don't you think you've cause enough trouble?" Sam asked
"What? You mean when I kissed Colby in front of Audrey? I took an opening and I went for it." She crossed her arms and gave me a smirk.
"I mean Audrey did the same thing at the hospital while me and Colby were still dating. You didn't have a problem with it then."
That made me so mad. I wanted to punch her in the face but Colby held me back.
"How do you know that? you wasn't even there!" I asked almost yelling loud enough for the whole club to hear.
"I was there sweetheart. I was in the bathroom. And I have to say it really broke my heart. I had to let you get a taste of the same pain I felt."
She laughed as she pointed at me.

Before anything else happen Colby insisted we leave so we did.
Why does she have to ruin everything?
I need to clear my head.

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