Chapter 16

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On the airplane going to my hometown. I couldn't help but worry. Sam noticed in my facial expressions.
"You have nothing to worry about." Sam said. Can everyone read my mind today?
"I am worried she still likes him. She's going to do something I know it."
"Do you trust Colby?"
"Of course I just don't trust her"
I know I shouldn't worry I mean Colby wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

We finally made it to Kansas. When the plane landed I went to find my mom as soon as possible. There she was with my little brother Joey. 
"Hey mom, hey Joey I missed you guys."
"We missed you to darling. We have so much catching up to do."
Me and Sam went our separate ways but he says he would check up on me every once in a while.

We arrive at the little red brick mushroom I spent most of my life in.
"So Audrey what's up with you? How's Colby?"
I told her about me and Colby and his accident. She was happy and upset at the same tome. I also told her about Ashlyn. She said I didn't have to worry either.
"I missed you so much sweetheart."
She said as she gave me a tight hug.
I missed her to but I still can't stop thinking about what Colby and Ashlyn are doing.

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