Chapter 28

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"Baby please listen to me!" I was knocking on the bathroom door. He locked me out.
"Colby! Let me tell you what happen!"
He wouldn't answer me or unlocked the door. Feeling so stressed I put my back against the wall and slid down to the floor. I was so mad that he didn't listen to me. I started crying.
I was to busy sobbing into my knees to realized he opened the door. I didn't know he was standing right behind me. He picked me up and threw me down on the bed in the room next door.
"Do You really want to do this now? Aren't you mad at me?"
"No I'm not mad at least not anymore. I just can't stand the thought of someone kissing your lips besides me."
He looks me in the eyes I can tell he cared deeply about me. I feel the same way and in other ways I can't
I put my back against the Wall as he sat facing me in my lap. He stared kissing my neck and my cheek.
"I want your lips to be mine."

If your wondering no we didn't have sex. He promised me we wouldn't till we going Married.

We were only kissing for an hour till lily called. She wanted for us the come over there and talk this whole thing out.

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