Chapter 6

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I just had the worst dream ever. Colby and my friends were in a wreck. It's just a dream though. I woke still in Colby's room. I guess he didn't want to wake me. Still half asleep, I walked out the room and into the hallway. I'm in the living room seeing blankets and pillows on the couch. He must have slept on the couch. Where is he? Only one here is Ashlyn. I look at my phone and see 18 MISS CALLS?!? From lily! What happen when I was asleep?

Ashlyn saw me.
"Hey Audrey did you have a good sleep?
"Yeah sure whatever. Um where is Colby?"
"Oh about that"
"There was an accident"
"What?!? Was anyone hurt?"
"Sam and Colby had minor injuries"
"And where's Lilly?"
"She fine. She's with Sam."
"And you just left Colby there?"
"Well he told me to tell you in person."
"I can drive! You could have called me from then hospital"

My nightmare came true. he better be ok. I rush to the hospital and into Colby and Sam's room.
"Are you guys ok?"
Sam was asleep but Colby was up.
"Yeah we're ok" Colby sounded weak.
"So what did the doctor say about you guys"
"Sam is fine he's just here for over night check up and my leg is broken."
"That's a big bruise on your forehead."
I leaned in and kisses his forehead.
"Yeah I know it's bigger than your head." He laughs "Where's Ashlyn?"
"You don't know? She's at the apartment. She said you told her to tell me what happen."
"Nope I haven't seen her today I just woke up an hour ago."
This doesn't seem right. Something is up.

A couple hours later I didn't realise I feel asleep on Colby. I jumped up and saw that he was still asleep. "He's so cute when he's sleeping." Not knowing he's awake. I get close to his face and whisper in his ear "I love you." Not even caring about him having a girlfriend or anything I kiss him on the lips. As I lay my head back down. He grabs my fave and kisses me back and says "I feel the same." Shocked by his words I ran out the room realising what just happen.

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