Chapter 7

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Oh my gosh! What just happened? Did that really happen? Did he really kiss me? What does this mean? So many questions and no answers? I'm in the bathroom freaking out in the mirror.
Lily walks in the door as I'm pacing back and fourth.
"Wow slow down flash what happen to you?"
"We kissed!"
"Woah what?!"
"Me and Colby yeah we kissed."

I told her everything what happen. After that she calmed me down.
"Audrey what about Ashlyn?"
"Shit I forgot about her. Oh my gosh this is stressing me out."

As I'm freaking out Colby walks into the girls room.
"Colby?! Your supposed to be in bed resting your leg!"
"I had to see you. You stormed out the room."
"Let's talk in the room"

We walk back to his room with silence.
I get him to his bed and I'm staring into the mirror on the wall. I see him in the corner of the mirror.
"Audi, Audi, Audrey! Damnit why won't you talk to me"
"Why?! You want to know why Colby? Cause we kissed, cause of what I said and what you said. Ok?"
I start bawling in tears
"I-" he tries to speak but I interrupt him
"No let me finish. All of this isn't going to matter cause you have Ashlyn. What I say shouldn't mean anything to you."
"You done now?"
"Let me explain. I just recently realised how I feel about you. When you ran outside of the restaurant and saw you in the moonlight I thought you look beautiful and now I know your the one true girl for me."
"What do you expect me to do about that? I'm four years younger than you! It's not like your going to wait for me to finish online high school. Oh and your definitely going to break up with Ashlyn for me"

We argue for an hour. Forgetting Sam was there until he woke up.
"You guys ok? Audrey are you crying?" Sam yawned
I ran out the hospital and drove home.
I couldn't talk to him anymore at least today. Ashlyn better not be there. If she is she has some explaining to do.

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