Chapter 17

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A month has passed. I'm going home soon. It was hanging out with my mom and Joey.
"Has it been a month already?" Mom asked.
"It seems like yesterday I just got here but I should get back to Colby to check up on him. You sure you'll be ok?"
"Yes my sweet go on and help Colby. I'm sure he misses you. And Joey is starting to help out now."

I brought my stuff downstairs and Sam was waiting for me.
"You ready?"Sam asked
"Who is this handsome young man?" My mom likes to get into my business.
"That's Sam Colby's best friend and Lily's boyfriend."
"Oh it was there nice to meet you Sam."
My mom hugs me goodbye as we walk out the door.

I have had a good month so far. I just can't wait to see Colby again. Me and Sam got off the airplane home and he dropped my house at my place.

Ashlyn was still there. She saw me through the window, but I didn't see her. When I looked up I couldn't believe what I saw.

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