Chapter 11

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"Colby! Wake up! Wake up Colby!" I screamed in his ear.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?"
"Lily is in the hospital!"
"I'll explain in the car. Come on hurry up!"
Me being the dumbass I am I forgot he was crippled.

As we rushed to the hospital I told him the whole story. At the party last Reed and Devin were drinking beers they hid them in bottles and no one knew about it not even Sam. After everyone left they were drunk and there started fighting over the stupidest thing. Sam and lily heard them and walked into the living to see what was going on. Sam tried to break it up but he got punched in the face. Lily being the badass she thinks she is, She tried to stop it to. Reed pushed her into the kitchen corner and banged her head up really bad.

Gosh I hope she's ok.

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