Chapter 21

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Colby finally got his cast off any he's ready to walk without any crutches. We went to the grocery store to stuff to eat. Some how we ended up getting ice cream.

We arrived back at the house. He told me to stay outside for a little while and wrapped and bandana around my eyes so I wouldn't see any thing.

"What are you doing?" I laugh. "You better not be trying to scare me."
"I promise I'm not. You'll love it"
"Ok if you say so."
He takes the bandana and switches it with his hand.
"Can I see now?"
"Yes you may."
I opened my eyes and there I see blankets and pillows on the floor. There is rose petals every where. A picnic basket filled with chocolate covered strawberries and chicken tenders.
"Chicken tenders?" I start laughing
"I'll throw them away If you don't want them." He says as he picks up the chicken. I slapped his hands as soon as he touched it
"Get your crusty hand away from my chicken!"
We both start laughing
"Your a feisty little thing."
"Yeah I know."
"There is one more surprise"
He points to the picnic basket.
I look in the basket and all I see is strawberries
"I don't see anything" I say as I'm looking inside.
I look back at him and in his hand is a ring.
"Oh my gosh that's beautiful but you didn't have to get me anything."
"This I did."
It was a promise ring
"I promise you one day that I'll propose to you. I promise that I will marry you. Cause I love you so much and I want you to know that I'm yours."

I had no words so I hugged him and kissed him to show my happiness. I never thought a guy would like me this much. I never thought he would.

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