Chapter 15

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Ashlyn was here again. She said she wanted to stop by and give Colby a get well present. I didn't want to deal with her right not so I let them be.

My phone rang. It was my mom. She was talking so fast plus she was crying so I couldn't understand her. When she calm down a little she told me the story again. My dad left..

She woke up with his stuff gone. She think he left her for this redhead he met at the bar. I had to go back to Kansas for a little while to help my mom out around the house. 

As I went to tell Colby the news, Ashlyn was rubbing is leg. The worst part is that Colby didn't stop her. I walked quickly to the couch to interrupt them.

"Colby I need to talk to you in private."
Ashlyn decides to but in.
"You can say it here I won't tell anyone if it's a secret."
"Yeah Audi, what's up?" Colby asked
"I have to go to Kansas. My dad left my mom so she's going to need help around the house."
"How long?"
"Yeah how long?" Ashlyn buts in again with a smirk on her face.
She better not get any ideas.
"Just for a month. I'll be back as soon as possible."
"Ok that's fine. Sam is going back there anyway you can go with him."
If I leave who's going to stay and help Colby. It seems like Ashlyn read my mine.
"If you need me to I'll stay with him."
"That's fine.  You won't mind right Audi."
I smiled at him. Ashlyn was in this happy mood. He doesn't want her Audrey he wants you.

A couple hours later and I just got off he phone with Sam. We were heading for the airport soon. It was 10:30 at night and Colby was getting ready for bed. I saw Ashlyn going in the same room. She was wearing Colby nirvana tee. I looked in the room and she winked at me. Before I could sat anything Sam was here ready to leave.
Why do I feel like I'm going to get my heart broken?

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