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Ao pov

Hey, nice to see you guys again. Hikaru and Misaki are walking to my home after the concert incidents. I got left behind by Hikaru[again]. Why does she always leave me behind and let me watch over the house. Boo, but at least she brought my favorite food, meat buns. I am eating the 3rd meat bun now. Kuon went out and hangout with his friends. Yes yes yes, ok, fine. The author want me to tell you what happen in the concert. So now i am going to tell you what happen to the concert after Hikaru and Misaki left. I want to eat more too~~~oh well, here i go.

-------Setting: The concert and like 30 seconds after Hikaru and the girls left. 

The staffs:''Seiji-sama, what should we do? The fans are acting weird and the pink hair girl her tone sounds like she knows what we are up too.'' Seiji-sama reply,''Don't worry, leave this to us.'' Seiji and his band members went to a corner and discuss.'' Azuse said,''Yo, those girls they are one of us right?" Hiro said,''I just noticed their auras when they are dancing, it also seem like the girl call Hikaru is special.'' Seiji reply,''The girl with blonde and Orange hair call Misaki she is also one of a kind the girl who was dancing the passionate song this might be fate.'' Azuse,''Fate huh...So should we erase the fans memories about the *slap Seiji-sama beautiful hands and yell at him thing*'' Seiji sigh and said,'Sure lets erase everyone memories plus our kinds.'' Hiro said,''With our powers we can erase any one memories and get away from our troubles.'' Seiji-sama said,''Lets do this.'' Tht three of them chant at the same time,''WIND, NATURE, MEMORIES, SHALL BE ERASE FROM THE MOMENT OUR KINDS MADE CHAOS, OH RETUS OF WIND ASSISTS US.'' The fans memories of Hikaru made the band look bad have been remove. Hiro, Azuse and Seiji noticed a signal. Azuse said,''No, this can't be true, its not possible.'' Hiro said with shock,''Those girls....are more powerful than us? We the children of Retus?" Seiji said,''Their..memories..of us are still in their brains, those girls are not someone we should mess with, i can sense that they have a powerful spirit with them.'' So the fans forgot about Hikaru causing a ruckus and the concert ended and happily ever after.

Ao pov

Whew, that sure was tiring. *MUNCH MUNCH*--My 5th piece of meat bun. Oh yah, Hikaru and Misaki did mention that their thing came right. Their powers grow stronger as they grow, for some unknown reason. Rina and Ryu-san never told me secrets well they sometimes do~~Oh, sorry, i haven't introduce Rina and Ryu yet. Rina and Ryu is Hikaru parents. Oh, well, Oh, Its time for Hikaru and Misaki turn for the show. Talk to you later!

Misaki pov

I sense a jolt on my brain and i crunch in pain. It seems like someone is trying to mess up my memories. The pain went away and Hikaru did not crunch like i did. Hikaru said,''You ok Misaki?'' I reply,''Yah, i am ok, i just felt a pain in my brain. Did you felt anything?" Hikaru shake her head. Then Hikaru suddenly said,''OUCH! What was that? It feels like a thunder sap my head.'' I reply,''That is what i felt.'' Hikaru said,''I wonder what that pain was about?" I reply,''You idiot don't you remember what Rina-san told you?" Hikaru give me a confused look. Wow, how forgetful she can be, i wonder how many times i have remember her this well maybe only the 2nd time. I started to explain what Hikaru mom told us onces before,''Girls, you have special power, you must never tell anyone this, in this world there are humans and magical kinds. Magical kinds have unique powers and most human want these powers for greeds so you must never tell anyone you have magical powers if you do you will be target. Their are lots of our kinds in the world. Our kinds use our powers to protect our self from harm so if one day you suddenly felt a pain in your head that means our kind are trying to do something to make us forget or mess up with our brains. But since we are the same kinds their powers won't work on us much. But if they are powerful than you they might can so thats why every 3 months you power will go crazy and that means you power is growing. The others of the same kinds have their own months you two have the same months that means you two are met to be fate.'' When i finish the story Hikaru said,''Oh, now that you mention it Mom did said that when we are 7 years old maybe around that is when our powers grows at 3 month.'' I nodded and said,''So the jolt we just felt that means someone want to erase our memories base on my data of the fans, the staff and the band members i didn't sense any weird auras from the fans and the staffs except the band members so they must have erase the staff and fans memories because of the ruckus you have caused.'' Hikaru made a i got it now hand sign and said,''Sorry?" Sigh, you should not be sorry you did the right thing. We arrive at Hikaru house.

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