Chapter 36: Let all my stress be dance away

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Hikaru lay on her bed and thought about what Ako-kun said to her. 

Hikaru pov

Indeed, why am i still smiling? I couldn't answer his question and he went back to the living room. Ah, the answer was so obvious, but Ako-kun will get angry by my answer, -sigh-, why does life have to be so hard? First, job, badminton, exams, and now Ako-kun with Uncle Toboi, all these things just rush to me at the same time, i need to release some stress!!!! 

Hikaru grab her phone and started texting Ren. 

Hikaru: Lets go to the usual place, i am stress out.

Ren: Sure, see you there.

Hikaru get change and then she look at the time, Hikaru made a horrible face, the time is 1 am, Hikaru now regret calling Ren at this time, he probably slept and she woke him up. Hikaru hurry up and get her phone and text.


Ren: Ahahaha, it's fine, i was awake anyway, cramping notes in my head.

Hikaru: Its so late already, you can go to sleep if you want to.

Ren: Don't be like that, you invited me~~~~take responsibility~~~~ -Evil grin-

Hikaru: ARE you blackmailing me!!!!!!! Demon!!!!

Ren: -Laughs face- joking joking, plus you must be very trouble by something to text me in the middle of the night, ah, the bro found out i was sneaking outside and want to join me.

Hikaru: -grin-, the more the merrier like i always say, see you there.

Hikaru rush downstairs but quiet of course, who wants their parent and two devils found out that a girl in this middle of the night go out by herself, nope, no parents and devil will like that, the devil will take this advantage, Hikaru won't let herself get caught that easily, nope!

As Hikaru quietly open the door, Ao rush to her shoulder and was about to make a long long long lecture and Hikaru cover Ao mouth and she went out of her house. Hikaru then ran to the usual hang out place while Ao hang onto her shoulder and not saying anything.

Hikaru arrive at the hangout place and Ren with Yoru, Ikuto and Karou there. Hikaru run up and said,''Sorry, for the wait, and sorry for making you come out this late at night.'' Karou reply,''Its fine! While Ren was cramping his notes we all was gaming on steam all night! It was nice to come out for fresh air.'' Ren pat Hikaru head and said,''You worry too much, now what should we do?" Hikaru reply with a sorry tone and a pain tone,''Um, first, hope you don't mind, but i am going to get a lecture soon.'' Everyone look behind Hikaru and Ao was in his Human form and he started to shout. You know when you came home late from hanging out with your friends and your parent scold you? They are currently experiencing that same thing. 

Ikuto quietly said,''Why do we have to suffer this too?" Karou whisper back,''Don't worry i brought some candy.'' Yoru reply softly,''Hey, we can hear the wrapper being torn off.'' They are all sitting on a straight line and sitting on their legs. Ao said,''-pant- Ok, go have your fun, i am sure you weren't listening to me at all Hikaru.'' Ao open his eyes and look at Hikaru who already disappear and she is now on the dance stage and she shout,''COME ON, LETS DANCE!!!'' Ao clench his fist and said angrily,''Hikaru!!!! You did not reflect at all!!!!''

That night Hikaru had lots of fun, and she return home around 5 am. Hikaru quietly close the door and she went up the stairs but she saw Ako-kun coming from the bathroom. Ako-kun spotted her and he ask,''Did you went somewhere?" Hikaru reply,''Yes, my usual morning run at the park.'' Ako-kun reply,''Hm, ok, btw do you always have that mouse on your shoulder?" Ao scream,''I AM NOT A MOUSE!!! I AM PERFECTLY A NORMAL SQUIRREL.'' Hikaru took Ao from her shoulder and she said,''Clam down, Ao, you are going to make me deaf.'' To Ako-kun, Ao was just making weird noise and he said,''Wow, you still got that strange and creepy talking to animal inside of you.'' Hikaru reply,''Its not creepy, i like this ability, if you can't understand the heart of a animal you can't understand my feelings and the answer to your question, Because i have friends that support me all the way till now, that i stop myself from suicide, if i had died that time i wouldn't be able to get to meet all these wonderful friend, i must thank you from the bottom of my heart -from this sentence on Hikaru voice became dark and terrifying- you made me see lots of human ugly side, i must thank you showing me how ugly human race is.'' Ako-kun stay frozen in front of the bathroom and Hikaru went inside her room and she giggle.

Hikaru pov

Class from drama and acting really are wonderful, it was kinda hard making my voice into that tho, oh well, i got my laugh and now i will get my sleep.

Author: I know i haven't update for at least 1 or 2 weeks, forgive me, i will up on friday, saturday, or sunday this week or next week and no 1 year! 

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