Chapter 17- Last date with Hibiki-kun

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Hikaru pov

Make up done. Dress ok scarf ok. Ready! [Author: if you remember Hikaru is going on a date with Hibiki.] I guess this should be ok with this windy day.

Queen Elie words still ring in my head,''Hikaru, you are a magical creature in short term you are a mage

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Queen Elie words still ring in my head,''Hikaru, you are a magical creature in short term you are a mage. Humans and mage are not allow to fall in love, it is a forbidden love. Mage like us have lots of enemies. If you do not want your beloved humans friends to get hurt you should not get too close to them. These days demon is trying to break free and soon my magic will not last longer than a year. Demons have already been near you, possessing your friends. You must let go of important things to protect them. I suggest you, i am not telling you or forcing you to do so, its your choice, your life, i will watch over you, now it is time for you to go, if you want to contact me wish upon your seal.'' I don't want to let Hibiki go. Hibiki is waiting for me downstairs. For now, i am going to enjoy my date today. And do what i must do at the end.

Hibiki pov

Hikaru suddenly wanted a date. I was surprised by this sudden request by Hikaru but i am also happy. Hikaru came down with a she look so cute!!!!!!!!!!! -Jump on Hikaru- Hikaru said,''Gyaaaaa, Hibiki you have so much energy~.'' I reply,''Ehehe, i am so happy that you want to date~~Lets go where would you like to go?" Hikaru reply,''I never been to the amusement park so lets go there.'' I reply,''Ok!! Lets go.''

While Kazuki and Misaki who are still in the amusement park date.

Misaki pov

I said,''So our Hikaru finally got her mark~'' Kazuki reply,''Yup! Oh, is the parfait good?" I nodded and say,''It is very good!!'' We clear half of the amusement park and i scream a lot and my throat can't scream anymore.. Kazuki ask,''Is your throat ok? You scream and laugh a lot. :D''I reply,''I am ok~~I just need to replenish my energy for later on to scream more.'' Kazuki said,''Hm, i think we should rest for 1 hour before we go crazy it is not good for your tummy, you might throw up.'' I reply,''Ok~~Oh want some?" I scoop some of my parfait and feed Kazuki. -Munch-

Hibiki pov

-Hikaru sleeping on my shoulder- The time is 1:45. We are almost at the amusement park and Hikaru have transportation sickness and so she sleeps to avoid getting dizzy and throws up. Hm...2 more stops and then we are there should i wake her up now? Or should i just carry her? Hmm....-Hibiki took more than 2 mins to think about it- ''Hibiki, the door is opening, lets go.'' Huh? what? I flip my eyes open and Hikaru is pulling me out of the train. I said,''Oh, sorry, i didn't know we are at the stop already. I was thinking of ways to wake you up~.'' Hikaru said,''Hibiki, what do you like about me?" I reply,''Oh, that was unexpected, hmm...i like your denseness and your cuteness.'' Hikaru blushed and a little. I ask her,''So what do you like about me?" -Doki Doki- Hikaru reply with a sad smile,''I like you, Hibiki.'' Then Hikaru whisper something that i can't hear. Hikaru said,''Lets go to the hunted house, it looks fun.''

Hikaru pov

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Hikaru pov

I manage to change the subject..Queen Elie..I will not get Hibiki involve so this is the best thing i can do, break up with him..I wonder why my heart is in pain and i can't breathe. But there is also another feeling a feeling of release. I can finally be release from this painful love. Now i understand why mama told me i can't be with Hibiki. Does she have the magic to see the future if she does i need her to teach me. Well, we arrive at the hunted house and we got tickets for lots of rides. -Entering inside the hunted house while we are sitting in a cup tea transportation. Then a door appear and we are about to crash on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -bump- Oh, it is just a wood door whew. Then darkness consume us and i close my eyes. Why did i chose the hunted house again? Oh, cause it sounds fun... Then i hear a evil laughter, since i am a scary cat i just close my eyes. Ahhhhhhh, i regret saying i want to come here!!!! Hibiki said,''Hikaru don't tell me your scared, ahaha, open your eyes, its fun and your not alone.'' I manage to open my eyes and see darkness.

Kaname pov

I said,''Nadeshiko, Hikaru finally got her mark.'' Nadeshiko nodded. Nadeshiko and i are hanging out in her home and mostly we don't chat we do whatever we want.

---Hikaru, Misaki, Hibiki, and Kazuki never got to encounter each other and the day pass by fast---

Misaki pov

I said,''Whew, today was fun, thanks Kazuki for hanging out with me even though you are busy yourself.'' Kazuki reply,''No problem, Misaki, Hibiki is a human, what do you think Hikaru is going to do?" I reply,''I don't know, but one thing i can tell, Hibiki does truly love Hikaru but Hikaru have another shape of heart.'' Kazuki ask,''Another shape of heart? What do you mean by that?" I reply,''My power been increasing a lot since i got my seal. And a maiden heart is suppose to be a secret.'' Kazuki said,''Well, shall i take you home my lady?" I laughed a little and said,''Sure, my knight~''

Hikaru pov

I said,''Ah, so tired, my bones!!!'' I continue complain my bones is hurting while Hibiki laughing and holding my shoulders. Hibiki ask,''So did you have fun today?" I nodded and i almost forgot my mission for today..break up with Hibiki. I stop in front of a tree close to the front gate of the amusement park. Hibiki ask,''Is something wrong? why you suddenly stop?'' I said,''Hibiki..if i said i hate you and said lets break up what will you do?" Hibiki made a sad face and then hug behind me and said,''Don't say something like this, i finally get to see you again after all these years, i love you.'' .....When you say it like this  you are making me harder to tell you to break up. What should i do Queen Elie? It is so hard to say it. Hibiki hug me tighter and said,''Hikaru..what make you bring this up? You know i love you and you love me too.'' I said,''Ahaha, Hibiki, i am just playing around, ah~~~you don't need to take it so seriously~.'' Hibiki smile and said,''Hmmm, don't play something like that!! You almost give me a heart attack.'' Hibiki rough up my hair. I said,''Ah!! My hair! Hibiki you jerk!!!'' Hibiki started to run away and i chase him. :) Queen Elie for now i will follow my heart! I won't let any demon hurt Hibiki, i will protect him. I love him, so i won't let him go until the time is needed!

Author: Thank you for reading, i am sorry i wrote so little these days. I just finish taking two days for Living environment and Algebra regents. Been studying a lot and very tired. In this chapter i see lots of countless possibilities of how Hikaru and Hibiki will come out but i decide to choose this. Well, in the future chapters you will see why~Next chapter is: Ao turn into a familiar???!!! 

Also: Good luck to all my friends that is taking the regents!

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