Happy Birthday! Taiwan

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I have decided that I shall write drabbles for each hetalia character for their birthday!!! :D (well, the ones that have their official b. day kind of.... some I have to use their national days things.... me quiet now) has Slight!Korea

Taiwan - October 25

"Come one [Name]! You promised me that we can do this on my birthday!"

You moved at a sluggish pace, definitely not matching to Taiwan's happy disposition, but she seemed more energetic than usual; well, it is her 'special day'...

"Alright, alright I'm coming. Just let me switch from my 'dead tired' mode to 'yay, it's your birthday!' mode," you pretended to twist a nob on the side of your head. Suddenly tears started welling up in her eyes as she trembled.

"A-are you telling me that my best friend doesn't want me to be happy?" Taiwan stared at you with the most vulnerable look. Your mind had a little shock and great concern came to you to find any way to make the Asian girl happy again.

"O-of course I want you to be happy! I'll do anything! I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I was just over exaggerating my tiredness!" you quickly said. Sad eyes instantly turned into excited ones in a millisecond as she clapped her hands gleefully.

"Anything?! Yay~! Then I call for a whole make-over session!" She smiled at your deadpanned face.

You should've known it was a set up.

[Extended Ending]

"Do I really have to do this?" the south Korean pouted as be stared at all the frilliness that sat around him.

"Yep! Because it's my birthday," Taiwan said and placed a big red bow on his head. Yong Soo just crossed his arms not pleased and you just rolled your eyes. You sat in the corner finally done with your tourcher, big dress and all, with a smirk on your face.

"It gets worse. Trust me."

Korea's eyes widened in horror and saw that there was no escape. "I thought you said I could claim [Name's] breast only if I wore the bow for the rest of today!"

Cue Taiwan's evil laughter.


D': I just found out China's b. day is Oct. 10 so I have to wait another year to do his! ;~; So wish me luck on this and I hope to get all the drabbles respectively on their birthday's :3

Next, tomorrow, is Austria! *claps and cheers* The 29th shall be Turkey ;3

Happy Birthday! Hetalia CountriesWhere stories live. Discover now