Happy Birthday! Turkey

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=_= I fail already on this.... I'm so sorry don't kill me! D: but, I hope you still like it. (I wasn't able to think of anything for him, and I kept using past tense kind of writing thing.... I don't know why; even though it is present) Greece also makes an entrance, too!

Turkey - October 29

Seeing under that mask of his was your life goal. Well, not really but you were really tempted to see what was under it - and today was the day you were going to do it. Currently Sadiq was at Greece's place, tormenting the hell out of him more than usual; just because it was his birthday.

Nearing up on the people who fought like a married couple, you slowly reached out your hand to get that mask and-

Swiftly his hand grabbed yours and he turned to look at you.

"Ah, [Name]. You came to celebrate my birthday by fighting Greece along with me? How nice," he smirked. You grumbled a 'yeah sure' due to your failed attempt and turned to the fuming Greek.

"Hello Heracles," you greeted him politely.

"Hm, hello... [Name]," he replied with the slow nature he always has. The Turk just scoffed and acted hurt.

"[Name] I thought I said that we were going to fight him, not open a pet shop," he took your hand and tugged you somewhere else.

"So, did you bring me a present?" Turkey asked a little teasingly still walking with your hand in his.

"No," you said bluntly. He stopped and look at you in the eyes. You was what you could of his amber eye. Catching yourself blushing a bit as he analyzed you more. Suddenly he let out a hearty laugh. "W-what are you laughing about?" you worried if you made a weird face.

"You just have the cutest face ever!" he exclaimed. Cute? He thought you looked cute? That took you aback.

"Thank you?"

"Don't mention it," he said cockily. "And by the way since you don't have a present, I think you should become my girlfriend."

"A-are you serious?!" you said shocked.

"Yep. I bet Greece will be jealous when he hears that I have you as my girlfriend!"

Now the way Turkey said it was that he decided for you.

That over confident man.

[Extended Ending]

"Can I see under your mask now?"


...pouty face....


Hmm, it seems as if I make the birthday people order you around a lot! xD

*Sigh* I should really stop procrastinating and get to the things requested and other stories.... I don't want to though >.> But then I do! Gah! The contradictory!

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