Happy Birthday! Denmark

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June 5

Waking up on a Saturday morning with a hang-over wasn't all much of a surprise.

And finding a guys number written in sharpie on your hand wasn't a surprise either.

But when your eyes focused enough to read it, you almost choked. You recognized the number and your eyes narrowed to a glare, he better not have done anything.

Snatching your phone from where it was left on the floor, you ignored the pounding in your head and called the certain Danish man.

As soon as he answered the phone you ambushed him with your question. "Why the hell is your number written on my hand?"

"Oh... That was you?" He sounded surprised. "I don't remember anything last night really. But funny thing you called, I was trying to remember who I did give my number to!"

His care-free laughter irritated you a bit. Didn't he have a massive hangover, too? Deciding there wasn't much else to talk about since you got your answer, you prepared to hang-up.

"Alright then, bye-"

"Wait! Um, it is actually my birthday today. So how about we go out for dinner?" Mathias said straight-forward.

The quietness on the other line made it seem that you hung-up, but your voice spoke up and the answer was more than he hoped for.



Ugh, this is definitely not my best, but all the other past ones has been sad/angst type things so I wanted to make something a little nicer.

Hopefully I can finally get my lazy but to start writing other things.

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