Train Station Platform 9 ¾.

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(AN:My co-writers and I would love to hear your feedback! :) Enjoy!)

Chapter 3; Train Station, Platform 9 3/4:

Author's narration:
"After the Diagon Alley adventure, families and wizards make their way to the Hogwarts Express. Each family will need to travel to King's Cross Station in London, England. The entrance is magically concealed between Muggle Platforms Nine and Ten. In order for someone to get onto Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, they must walk directly into a wall between the numbers. Being a muggle in a Wizard family has its perks. You're granted an exception to be able to visit the Wizard World considering they already know the BIG secret. They can be trusted and they should be allowed to see their family off to Hogwarts even if they aren't a wizard. When they arrive at the station, all pets must be in a cage and their books must be wrapped and hidden from muggles. The students also bring a trunk or luggage for their belongings."

Families lead their children for the first time, the Carlyle family does the same. They walk through King's Cross Station to get to the platform, where they need to be.

They arrived on the platform as they have forty minutes before the train departed.

"Alright. It's time. so, you're going to head straight through the numbers 9 and 10 on that wall. Try a running start if you're scared. Would you like me to go with you?" asked their mother.

Blake ran through with his cart. Maddie was shocked and scared.

"Yes, please...." said Maddie turning to her mother for comfort.

"Wimp!" yelled Kaitlyn who dashed into the wall.

The mother had a harsh face in response, as if to scold Kaitlyn, but Kaitlyn could not see it.
Maddie and her mother followed in a running start. Maddie looked behind her and is amazed that they were able to transport through. Justin and her father follow hand-in-hand.

"You come back here, young lady and apologise to your sister. That is very rude," ordered the mother in a huff running over to her.

Maddie looks at the train. "Hogwarts Express."

"Wow," Maddie replied to herself.

Maddie, Blake, and Kaitlyn hug their parents. They got on the train as the bag-boys took their belongings to load onto the train. Blake left to sit with his friends, Fred and George.

Author's narration:
"Maddie and Kaitlyn board the train and are part of the first few hundred on board.
They look for a place to sit. Both are nervous because this is their first year. Maddie was showing it while Kaitlyn looked confident as ever. They didn't know many wizards growing up because everyone in their schools and neighborhoods were muggles. This would be an interesting experience."

They noticed a seat open next to a girl, whose arms tucked into her jacket. As they entered the cart, Maddie noticed the girl's chest squirming. A soft whimper of some animal is heard, as if the animal is trying to alert someone of a future escape. The girl scolded the unknown object in her arms, confusing Maddie.

"Is anyone sitting here?" asked Kaitlyn.

"No. You are more than welcomed to join me," answered the girl, more focused on whatever was in her arms.

They both sat down.

"I don't mean to be nosy, but what do you got under your jacket?" inquired Maddie.

"That's none of your business," replied the girl defensively.

Just then the head of the unknown object pops out of the neck of the jacket. It is a white and tan corgi puppy.

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